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Tales from the Bottom of the IQ Scale

A long time ago--August at least--our kitchen sink faucet had a bit of a situation and the handle came off while the water was running. Despite our best efforts using several different tools we could not get the water to turn off. We also could not find a water turn off anywhere around the house.

So, we called our management company's emergency after-hours phone number to have them send out one of their underpaid fixers. BUT! Lo and behold the answering machine must have been unplugged or something because it just rang and rang and rang forever. Kind of like all the water coming out of our faucet.

Thanks to the yellow pages, we found a emergency plumber to come out, turn off our water, and fix our faucet. I went to the offices the following Monday with copies of the receipts. I explained the situation and that I expected them to pay for it. Obviously. The bird brain reception agreed with me, so I told her instead of waiting for them to write me a check (which would never happen because they've never done anything remotely like that), I was just going to subtract it from the next month's rent. Okay? Okay.

The time comes to pay the rent and with our checks, I include a short note reminding them about the plumbing and that they already have the receipt.

Twenty five days later they issued a letter accusing us of not paying our rent. I reminded bird brain AGAIN and she blamed the owner saying she was forgetful.

So, why exactly, did we get ANOTHER LETTER today telling us that we still owed money from August? With no mention of the plumbing? With an attached copy of the ledger showing our grievances?

Dear Management Company, I hate you with the fire of a thousand suns. You are SO DUMB.


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I had about the same thing happen in September or so. I ended up having a lawyer friend give them a ring, because I am that ass. Whatever. I didn't have to pay.

Oh, I am so that ass too. I'm waiting for an actual accusation and then I'm so having one of my lawyer friends call them. Hee hee hee.

I did the same thing a few years ago, with similar results. From now on I've learned to pay rent in full and wait for the reimbursement, lame and unnecessary as it may be.

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