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Some Spam

A million years ago when I was a journalism student, we learned this story about this little old lady who fell for a scheme where she would meet some guy behind a grocery store and give him envelopes and envelopes of cash. I can't remember exactly what his lie was, but it was hard to convince the old lady that she needed to participate. She kept up until she was out of money. Literally had spent all her savings. Is your heart broken? Mine too.

I get an average amount of spam, most about watches--seriously! I get twice as much watch spam than the other dirty kind of spam--and occasionally something that is telling me to enter my email somewhere for a prize. I delete it all, obviously. However, today I received this, which I know is fake, but a little old lady might not.

Dear friend,

I just want to inform you that I have packaged and deposited your UNIVERSAL ATM MASTERCARD worth $800,000,00 USD with Federal Express to deliver it to you.

Contact the shipment officer with the below informations and reconfirm your correct address:
Full name......................
Home address............

Shipment Code: CPEL/OWN/9856
Parcel Number: EG2272-NG

Delivery Officer: Collins Oliver
E-mail: fedex.shippingdept@live.com
Tel: +234 808 029 8440

Please reply the shipment office with your address and shipment code for re-confirmation.

Once again, Insurance and delivery charges have been paid for, but the only fee remaining is the security safe keeping fee of $198 USD which you will be required to pay. Also note that Fedex Services do not know the content of the parcel, I registered it as an African magazine, they do not know it contains UNIVERSAL ATM MASTERCARD inside. The ATM MASTERCARD has pin number 8876.

Greg Williams.

Emphasis mine.

I hate you, Greg Williams, and your "officer" friend, Collins Oliver. I'm thinking about emailing them back. Just to mess with them. Or maybe send a rage-filled email.


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