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The First Few Days of Vacation

As of 5 pm on Friday, I am official on Christmas Vacation. When I was in high school we still had homework due and finals after the new year, and when I was in college I was always having to read one million books, but now I am an ADULT and I have REAL TRUE vacation. And, because Jesus was born on just the right day this year I get TWO WEEKS OF VACATION. In fact, it comes out to 16 days.

How did I spend the first two?

After a sleepover at Cate and Amanda's, we all made breakfast Saturday morning by reheating some leftovers from my office.

Things that did not work:
-steaming hard French toast
-re-"crisping" the bacon

Things that did work:
-re-pan-roasting the potatoes
-starting over with the eggs
-getting coffee at Starbucks

After nom nom noming, I witnessed two people succumb to the beauty and efficiency of Google Reader. Now let's hope they're good at Sharing.

Since we spent the rest of the day sitting around doing nothing, "cooking" was the most productive point of the day. And since I didn't even help, I had zero productive points of the day. Wait... unless sitting nearby and mocking the proceedings counts. You know what, I'm going to say that does count, because it certainly counts at my office. Where I get paid. Sometimes even for a two week vacation. WOooooo!

In the evening I popped over to Elle's house to make cookies. I helped a pinch more here, but still mostly just the mocking. I could even tell you a really funny story involving gingerbread men and mocking but Elle NEVER EMAILS PICTURES. In the history of our lives, I think she's done it once. Maybe.

And what did I do today?

Planned to go to Chipotle with A.Mae and then canceled because I didn't want to shower or drive. Planned to go find a Jewish deli to celebrate Hanukkah but found out I'd have to go to the heart of LA because out here in the 'burbs we only have Christmas food. I tinkered on a lot of forthcoming blog-related surprises and learned me some more internets and watched the final three episodes of Stylista. Meh to that. Ken Mok, you could do so much better.

I finally showered at six, because I have a party to be at. And trust me, I can't stop complaining about having to drive there.

What will I do tomorrow? Leave the house before it's dark out? Go running? Stop by my office to do the unofficial stuff? CAN YOU HANDLE THE SUSPENSE?


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Wow. When I get a do-over of my life, I'm going to use yours as a template. I must have done something horribly wrong in my youth, because I LOST all true vacation once I became a grown-up. No more week or more over the holidays, no more break in the summer, no spring break, no nothing. Clearly, I went to the wrong graduate school. But YAY YOU!

See, I passed on grad school. Win win!

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