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are we human or are we dancer?

A sad thing happened to me yesterday. I had to do laundry and since that is one of the hardest things for me to do (right up there with depositing checks and keeping my room clean) I spent a lot of mental energy gearing up. I made a Plan. The plan went like this: take my laundry with me in the morning, after work take my laundry to the laundromat across the street, put laundry in washer, go to bank and deposit checks (!), come back and switch laundry to dryers, go running, come back and fold dry laundry.

Perhaps that was a little ambitious.

I really did go to the bank and deposit checks. Unfortunately, when I got back to the laundromat the owner informed me that the dryers broke while I was gone. I had four loads of wet, wet, laundry. He was perfectly nice about it: tried to spin my clothes dry in the washers and gave me my washing money back, but it didn't help that my plan had been foiled.

Getting my laundry done conveninetly and quickly wasn't going to happen. And when that doesn't happen, my laundry doesn't really happen.

But I pulled myself up by my bootstraps (or running shoes as was the case), still went running and when I got home I hung everything out on the lines behind our house.

Now I just have the arduous task of folding. I have a Plan though: Friday night, a few beers, and episodes of How I Met Your Mother.


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I think I would have a panic attack if I had to schlep four loads of wet laundry home with me. I commend you for still going running.

And your Friday night plan sounds awesome.

Did you enjoy How I Met Your Mother? I heart that show.


I did laundry yesterday with my dryer in good working order --- which I point out because putting them out to dry would have been expecting them to freeze dry...

I shall never again complain about doing the mountains and mountains of laundry produced in this house, and it's all because of this story. You have made me grateful that my washer/dryer are conveniently located RIGHT HERE, and they work perfectly.

And now I am knocking on wood, realizing how I am tempting the fates by committing those words to writing.

How I Met Your Mother is one of the best shows on TV right now.

And that dryer thing is total suck.

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