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Aerial Announcement

Abigail M. Schilling might not be traveling any time soon. Abigail M. Schilling isn't ready to die yet and if she does, she would prefer not to be vomiting when she goes.

She has also decided that she really dislikes both vomiting and the feeling that she is going to die. She would like to die in her sleep. The less suffering, the better.

Also, she would like to recommend to United Airlines that perhaps a bigger plane may be safer for flying large groups of people from point A (Los Angeles) to point B (Chicago). And vice (Chicago) versa (Los Angeles). A bigger plane may also move less when disrupted by clouds and air.

She understands that her life is already dramatic and perhaps the Airbus 319 may just amplify that. However, she does not appreciate having her life flash before her eyes. This has happened six times in the last 14 months.

Whenever her life flashes before her eyes she reevaluates every decision she has ever made. Since she already lives every day like she's going to die, this doesn't help. She starts second guessing. And third guessing. And sixth guessing.

It's very hard.

And so is the vomiting. Into a bag.


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» Dear United Airlines, from My Life According to Me
I know this is the second time I have written you in two weeks but the incessant emailing is going to have to stop. I understand that you're go through some hard times and that may be why you think... [Read More]

» What I'm doing this weekend (or no, I won't be at TequilaCon) from My Life According to Me
My latest nervous habit recently became checking my checking account every four minutes. See, last week I bought a plane ticket from your friend and mine, United Airlines. After booking the ticket online, I was redirected to a page I... [Read More]


Awwww. I'm really glad you're ok!!!

I know about life flashing in front of your eyes alright, in a plane. I flew by Indian Airlines once from New Delhi to Singapore and the plane shuddered and shook for every second of that 5:30 hr flight. The seat belt warning went off every 30s. My knuckles were white from gripping my seat and I swore never ever would I fly again with them and prayed for my life.

One year later, I had to fly with them again, from Frankfurt to New Delhi.

I really hope you feel better soon!

Hey Abs,

(1) I'm glad you're still alive, if somewhat traumatized;

(2) there is possibly nothing worse in this life than throwing up into a small bag on a small airplane that you're pretty sure is about to be the death of you in the imminent future;

and (3) your blog comments always make me really happy. I'm making a New Year's resolution to be less of a comment-slacker, so you'll be seeing me around here on this gorgeous new site of yours, which, incidentally,

(4) is totally gorgeous and I am super-impressed that you're down with CSS and Moveable Type and all that fancy stuff. You're moving up in the world. No more Blogger.com for you!

~ Naomi :o)

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