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Algebra B+, Literature A-, Life A+


"Hey, I gotta go, I have a junior high reunion."

"Junior high? What are you, 40? Do they even have junior high reunions?"

"We do, besides it will be good blog material."

It was fun. Mostly because we got over everything we thought was so important and so dumb in high school.

Conversations then: "Ohmygosh, I love public high school, and also MY HIGH SCHOOL RULES. And also, private schools are dumb. And also, how DUMB WERE WE in junior high? And now let's gossip about everyone else."

Conversations now: "Let's gossip about everyone else."

Seriously, it was so great to not be annoying. (I promise we were not annoying. Okay, maybe a little bit annoying.)

I was scared going in. I was ready to lie about my actual life. I was ready to pretend to be someone normal. And I didn't. I was totally myself. And it was fine. They liked me anyway.


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Yes, Abigail, we totally love you just the way you are. I've learned that everyone else's life is never as extraordinary as they make it out to be. If it sounds exceptional, they're probably lying. Although, that's not to say that there are not times when crazy things happen to people...but, you know what I mean.

Anyways, I want to know what "Society Girl" means? This intrigues me. Do explain.


what? too soon?

Hello, Lauren!

Dang, Abigail, we could have taken bets to see who would be first to scope out your blog.... I would have put my money on Lauren for SURE!

Lauren, let's encourage the girl to complete a post CHA blog series! Mothers always like to get a glimpse of their girls' lives.

Feel free to steal from our conversations.

Ha ha glad you had a good time. It would have been more interesting if some of your jr. high friends had grown up to be terrorists or whores, though.

Wow, all the boys are talking *adult content* on my site. I'll see if I can find some streetwalking whores for y'all.

In the mean time, Society girl has a lot to do with stories about weddings and traveling to Europe and your very stylish friends. (Although, I think Matt and Shepherd would love to hear the new leaf story.)

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