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Perks of Adulthood

The elevator in our building is a bit of hazard zone. It's really unclassifiable. See, there are always children running around and they're usually sickly because they're coming from or going to the doctor. And also, they're usually crying and not because they're sick but because their brother pressed the elevator button first.

I gear up whenever I leave the office and go into vertical mode. Vertical mode involves holding all peripherals directly above my head, much like one would do when forging a river.

Today, Courtney and I were on our way back up from the pharmacy where we special candy that you can only get at little pharmacies like ours when we encountered a really really sad child accompanied by three adults.

He was really sad, little child tears streaming down his little child face. I was in vertical mode so I couldn't offer him my Rocky Road and besides his hands were full of stickers. And the three adults kinda scared me.

"It's okay! You have stickers!" Courtney said, trying to cheer him up.

One of the adults informed us that he had just received his flu shot and thus the crying. Courtney tried to convince him that it was totally worth it--he got stickers! Us adults, we don't get stickers! One of the other adults agreed, saying, "yeah, they just shoot us up."

"Not me!" I said, quietly enough so the kid wouldn't here. "That's the best part of being an adult. I can choose whether or not to get shots. I haven't received a shot in years."


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I buy tampons at the pharmacy in our building for two reasons. One, it's really convenient and I've streamlined my life to include only convenient stops, and two, because I get a 10 percent discount because I work in the... [Read More]


I can't believe with you! You vessel of potential disease!

Oh, and I used to be a glum kid when I didn't get to press the elevator button. My stupid brother always got to have all the fun.

i can't believe with you? emily, is ill mitch posting from your account again?

and abigail: i want an uno waiting for me in the freezer when i get home.

*I can't belive I LIVE with you. It was late, Heather, and I had been reading incoherent poetry all night. Please forgive me. I got 99 problems already...

is a bitch one?

and poetry? it's like i dont even know you anymore.

I don't mind shots, and I also don't mind giving blood. Where else can you get All You Can Eat Nutter Butters and Juice Boxes for free?

ROCKY ROAD????? Send me a case!

"I wanted to watch Pokemon but mum wouldn't let me." :'(

Do shots make kids cry more or when they are forced to miss their favourite toon?

Heather Nicole, were you no there when I told the Reviewing the Creative Arts class that I hated poetry? It should not come as a surprise.

And really, I think the song should go I have 99 problems and they're all bitches. Not that I would change any of the poetic brilliance that is Jay Z.

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