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Boxcaring It Up

Remember in the books, The Boxcar Children (by or inspired by Gertrude Chandler Warner), how after (SPOILER ALERT) Grandfather Alden found them and gave them a real home with real food and real dishes (even though Benny still needed his chipped blue cup) they would still play in the boxcar in the backyard? Like they were still orphans and poor? I always thought that was really weird.

Well, I've taken up the habit of letting my car get down to E again before refilling it. Usually I fill it when it gets under a half tank but I've just been too lazy I guess. Back in January, when I was very poor and penniless, I actually had to drive it all the way down until it actually told me I had 7 miles left before dead empty because I just didn't have the money. I kinda feel like the Boxcar Children now, though. Like I'm pretending to be poor. Like pretty soon I'm going to be asking Mrs. McGregor to give me a glass of water and a crust of bread for lunch.


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Er..It was a cracked PINK cup. :p

I was getting worried, as the OnBoardNavigationAndMetricAndStandardAndDrivingAid chirped angrily at me every few minutes as we got down to 22 miles (35.405568 kilometers) left.

Then I saw this sign and got REALLY worried.

I like that you said "Spoiler alert" about the Boxcar children. For some reason that made me laugh. Thanks for calling tonight!

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