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7 a.m.     Wake up; chocolate cake for breakfast; check my email.
       Work for an hour before everyone else wakes up.
8     Read blogs with Heather; check news; exchange witty banter.
9     Remember weekly work meeting that I always forget.
       Put 16 bobby pins in my hair; go to work.
10    Work; check my email; work some more.
11    Meeting. Complain about something.
Noon Curse the copy machine; curse the phone; check my email.
1p.m.Test the limits of my car; run her down to "0 miles to empty."
       Lunch at Mom's with Heather and Emily; exchange witty banter.
2     Meeting. Complain about something.
3     Disassemble and jury rig the copy machine.
4     Check my email; kick my computer; regret two sodas at lunch.
5     Airport run.
6     Get paid to talk to Shepherd.
7     Make chicken; check email; check blogs.
       Watch Garden State; exchange witty banter.
8     America's Next Top Model; email; blogs; banter.
9     Garden State; work; work; work.
10    Email; news; blogs; Heather.
11    Remove 16 bobby pins; eat chocolate cake.


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ANTM! So sad I missed it. To make things worse, Christine was IMing me about who was on the show. And I was stuck watching Mia nail Firechaser in the crotch with that stupid basketball. Okay, so I'm actually still laughing about that. It was seriously point blank. WHOOSH-WHAM! With a "OH GOSH!" he instantly hit the floor in fetal position. And everyone in the office was in poorly hushed hysterics. So now I'm really laughing hard. By myself.... What was I commenting about again?

replace 'chocolate cake' with 'malt liquor' and you and i have virtually everything in common, my friend.

well, one thing, anyway.

chocolate cake for breakfast? you are a woman after my own heart...

it's 6:43 a.m. and i am awake.

witty banter may be in short supply today.

and so may the cake ...

also, that was a poem.

May we share your breakfast?

Nicely done Heather N.!

OMFG you can't share cake from a different continent.

Shepard, i'm confused (you know, b/c i'm from japan). What does OMFG stand for again?

jeni i'm pretty sure it stands for Ovary Misfire Foreign Grenade.

it's something we say here in the states, i can't believe you've never heard of it.

also, we spell it "shepherd" here in america.

see, i knew it looked funny but i couldn't figure out why.

i hate blond moments. they seem so frequent lately. (ew, she said the purse was "like, new!")

Yes cake CAN be shared between different continents, if your heart is BIG enough AND if you have access to AIFTP.

I must admit sheepherd, you puzzle me sometimes.

Sorry. Don't mean to puzzle. I also don't mean to be called "Sheepherd," which is not a word.

I still do not understand. Wouldn't it be faster and cheaper to buy one's own cake?

He puzzles us all. I think that might be why we like him. I'm not sure though.

Sheperd, AIFTP : Aakanksha's Instantaneous Food Transfer Portal.

What could possibly be faster? Nothing. Hah!

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