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When I was a freshmen in high school I really wanted to this Nikki girl to be my friend so I totally fabricated a boyfriend so she would think I was cool. For four months. I made up stories about my imaginary boyfriend for four months. After which I decided she was weird and not worth my time and never told her the truth.

When I was a junior in high school I was out on a school night avoiding my dad's calls. I finally answered my cell phone the third time he called and told him I was at my friend's house studying and the rainstorm was giving me bad cell phone reception. The actual reason I had bad cell phone reception: I was in the basement poker room (think: golf room in Garden State) at this big high school party.

It felt good to get those off my chest. And there are so many more, too.


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"You naughty naughty girl. Its dry bread and water for you tonight Miss."

Its a consolation that I am not the only naughty one... ;P

When I was a senior in high school I parked in the principle's parking space because I was running late for basketball practice. He left a note on my car. "Don't park in my space, Heather."

The next afternoon I parked in his space again. I left a note on my car. "I'm running late, Jack. Thanks for the parking spot."

He never said anything about it.

I meant principal not principle. I am an idiot.

What was the Principal's principle behind that, Heather?

Har-de-har-har. So funny Aakanksha. I couldn't resist...



Heather Anne, you were a senior in high school in, what, 92?

Smooth, Heather Anne...

Did you really do those things, Abigail?

I liked the nuns at your school. I just know ther reason they could handle all those wild Catholic girls was because the nuns had been far worse when they were in high school... so much worse that they made one of those deals with God that got them out of the hellhole they had gotten themselves into....

Sister Marian... I bet she and Sister Sally probably were hellcats!

Very good reading. Peace until next time.

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