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My Week in Pictures

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The Very Last Business Cat
The Very Last Business Cat
Seriously, we went to the store to visit the cats and there was this single lone cat. I asked the lady and she said they had fruit instead. I asked if they would ever have the cats back and she said, "oh, no, those were holiday. See you next holiday!"

Could I BE anymore excited to see this movie?
Could I BE anymore excited to see this movie?
And also, I know you're all thinking I'm totally copying dooce with this picture and I know, I am. She's cool.

SalPal's favorite food on account of her birthday, March 7
SalPal's favorite food, on account of her birthday

Oh, Camping
Oh, Camping
And to think this oar was only $2.99 and we didn't get it.

Look at those guns...
Look at those guns...

Sometimes, I don't wear this fleece. Apparently I don't take pictures at those times.
Sometimes we do wear other clothes

Friday Night
Friday Night

This is another guess-the-important-things-in-the-picture picture
Bradley, Matthew, Camelback, chipmunk


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Lots of questions.

Can you guys find a snow shovel? We might need one to get out of our tent.

Stick it? Jebus, how gay am I, but I want to see it.

Did ya'll see Failure to Launch? Reviews?

I'm pretty sure you always wear that fleece, and hello, Lauren.

I'm pretty sure the oar can double as a snow shovel.

Launch = good, funny, fun.

Glad to see you back in the commenting game.

snark! You don't think I can do it. Because it just makes me want to do it to prove I can.

I'm not sure what those pink and yellow things are. I would have said soap if you hadn't mentioned food.

An oar for $3.00?! Why is everything so cheap in the US? Oh, I realised the other day, people get paid more here (where part time jobs are concerned) Minimum wage for uni students - $16.00 an hour before tax, $22.00 on weekends.

I'd give anything to wear fleece. It is 104 deg F over here right now.

It was at a thrift store. That oar was cheap because it was probably recovered from the scene of a domestic dispute.

Aanks, part of the price dif is also due to the conversion factor. Minimum wage here is something like $6.50.

And Matt, you'd be happy to know that your "snark" comment resulted in a rather lengthy conversation involving the words "surly," "cantakerous," "crotchety," and, of course, "shifty."

I love your posts and all, but there are a whole lot of things I don't like in these pictures. Most things, in fact, except the people.

A) Stick It? Are you kidding me? (Sub-point: Shame on you, Matt.)

B) Peeps? Peeps are gross.

Okay actually that is all. But I really hate Peeps. They are one of those beguiling foods that look so delicious, and then I put them in my mouth and end up screaming, "Good God what have I done!?"

Oh, peeps are the most disgusting Easter food out there. Although, most Easter food is pretty sketch.

The generic jelly beans?

Also, Shepherd, those were some pretty gymnastics-esque leg shots back there; I think Stick It could really add to your repertoire.

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