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Friday Question Day

Q:Who has better legs? Matt or Shepherd?
      --Matt and Shepherd

The background chain of events, pulled from the comments section of this former Week in Pictures after I posted a mysterious legs picture :

Heather Nicole: I would never send pictures of my legs to people. I think they're Matt's. I saw him eyeing our closets while he was here. We don't really judge, so we didnt say anything, but just between you and me (and the Internet) I think it's weird.

Heather Anne: This is getting ridiculous. Those aren't Matt's legs. Those are Shepherds legs. Those are his new work shoes that go with his new work ties. Sheesh.

Shepherd: I don't want to dis the legs of the true owner, because yeah those are some nice gams, but if yall saw my legs ... yall would KNOW. I have got killer stalks.

Heather Nicole: blah blah blah GAMS blah blah STALKS ... I think all signs point to SHEPHERD WEARS SKIRTS.

Shepherd: I really do have beautiful legs. Maybe we should have a leg-off. Me and Matt can email photos of our GAMS to you, Abs, and you can be the judge. Or we can do reader feedback.

A: Are you freakin' kidding me? Was I seriously just asked Who Had Better Legs? Did I seriously just get sent PICTURES of their legs? Am I going to post them on the Internet? Am I going to answer the question? Is everyone else?

No. Yes. Yes. Yes. No. Yes.

Without further ado [identities withheld to make voting objective, please click for bigger pic]:

1 or 2?

1 or 2?

1 or 2?


And this is just my bonus picture:

Too Close for Comfort


I get to go first! I vote for number one because he was gutsier about the poses.

I vote ... Jody! Oh wait...

#1, hands down--even if he is shamelessly posing to flex his calves.

AND, I know his true identity ;-)

Numero Uno! And I have a hunch who that person is, I think.

I like his laid back attitude too ;)

I choose Jody too. You know what's stupid? I'll bet she'd actually started to believe she didn't need to hear that anymore.

After Jody, I vote for Legs Number Two.

Matt, your comment was marked "suspect" by my blog because of the excessive amount of links. When I went to make sure that it wasn't spam, I decided not to approve it since it gives away who is who. I'm not sure the game is over yet so I'm going to leave the comment unpublished for now.

very, very disappointed with your decision.

that was a great comment.

In protest, I'm going to begin a moratorium on commenting on your blog for one week, or until you publish it.

I'll be over here in the corner.

While I'm tempted to see you try to not comment for a week, I promise that your comment in all it's linkage will be up by the end of the day. I know there are lurkers out there who want to vote.

#1. My vote goes for #1.

What else could a girl want?

Well, a date to the party for one.


That's a tough call. Those are some sexy, sexy pairs of legs.

Here's a question. Did #1 get help in taking photos? Or did he use the timer on the camera?

If it's the former, then that's being unfair to #2, who obviously took his photos on his own.

I vote neither. Give me tiaras and men in tights any day.

now just wait a cotton pickin minute.

*I* didn't actually EMAIL you pictures of my gams, I took those for Heather as a consolation prize for not being included on the road trip! Had I known there would be POSES, I would have tried harder....oddly enough, POSES is not unlike POSIES, which is not unlike GAY...

In conclusion, if there are going to be poses, let them be actual poses, like this, which requires skill, as opposed to jumping around like a fairy.

Lastly, shepherd is as gay as australia and canada combined.

Wait just one red hot second. I won fair and square. I took those photos by myself ... and I don't want to hear any squalling about not submitting the right photos, because Abigail waited approximately 12 years before finally doing this post.

This is what I think: What the ladies say, goes.

I'd just like to defend my honor and say that I did not ask for the consolation body shots.

and also, i tried to link to this

By yourself? You + timer? Impressive... IF TRUE.

Heather: Liar. Re: your templeton link, its the preview that always does me in at abigail's site.

But erik's right.

sehr spass, by the way.


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