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Just a warning: I talk about my sinuses in this post. It's kinda gross.

What happened the first time I went to the doctor yesterday:

Me: I have a bacterial sinus infection. Please give me some antibiotics.

Doctor: Let's let your body beat this.

Me: My body can't beat this. My body is weak.

Doctor: Wear lots of layers and drink lots of hot fluids. Sweat a lot.
Keep exercising regularly. Blow your nose a lot. If you feel fatigue,
take a break.

Me: Are you kidding?

Doctor: Come back in a week if you're still sick.


Then I went home and wallowed in self-pity and sickness until I found the energy to go into work. At work, I bitched some more about how the doctor wouldn't give me drugs and how I felt like death, and becca (hi becca!) pepped talked me. It went like this:

Me: They wouldn't give me any drugs. The doctor looked at me like I was dressed like a hooker and told me to wear more layers.

becca: Are you kidding?

Me: No! He wants me to sweat it out!

becca: With your asthma your body won't be able to do that.

Me: I know! Thank you!

becca: Go back to the doctor and see someone else.

Then I went to the doctor a second time. It went like this:

Me: I have a bacterial sinus infection. Please give me some antibiotics.

Doctor: You probably just have a virus. Antibiotics won't work on a virus. [Then he pointed at a poster with these kinds of guys.]

Me: Well, I already started taking them. Please give me some more. I'm telling you, this is BACTERIAL.

Doctor: But you said you don't have pain.

Me: Is it really a challenge for you to stick your little light thing up my nose? The proof is in the ... pudding, sir.

So then he stuck the light thing in my nose and gave me antibiotics and also gave me some codeine cough syrup which I had been avoiding for the last three years because the last time I took it I ended up crying in Walmart. (Had I been blogging back then I would have a link to that story. Since there is no link, I'll leave you with this: the side effects? I get them all. Fatigue? Yes. Emotional? Very yes.)

When I got home last night I figured I had a whole lot of nothing ahead of me, so let's try out the new drugs. I had finally filled my back-pain meds at the pharmacy as well and was really excited about the "muscle relaxers" so I drugged up and settled in with Charlie's Angels.

And then I slept.

I slept through the movie. I slept through the comings and goings of our house. Apparently, I even slept through a make out session happening at the front door. I woke up at some point in the middle of the night and felt amazing.

I was breathing. I was feeling. I reveled in that moment, checked my email, took some more narcotics, and then slept some more.

I am feeling so much better in so many ways. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.


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Phrases we don't use enough:

"Stick that flashlight up my nose."

It would take a lot more than Flexeril to make me sleep through Charlie's Angels.

save some of those muscle relaxers, they'll go great with the Jose Cuervo I'm bringing.

also, she can stick a flashlight up my nose anytime she wants.

The doctor is just trying to prevent the super bacteria that will eventually kill us all. He should give it up. He can't stop it. It will eventually kill all of us.

And it will be all your fault. Thanks.

Hello, Abigail.

If Jose is coming then we're gonna need to invite Captain. It's only fair.

actually, I've heard that Sailor Jerry's beats the snot of Captain.

I wish I was going on that holiday with you. Unlike someone, I wouldn't let the opportunity pass me by.

*Hands Abs a light saber for future battles with the Mucinoids*

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