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Through a mirror darkly

I was all geared up to blog about my visit to the doctor just now and how I don't know why he bothers even pretending to practice medicine, but then I got this email and I remembered (again, because I had already forgotten from last night) why I really blog and I remembered (again) how much I love you all.

I caught a glimpse of you in church Sunday coming back from communion, but then missed talking with you afterwards. It's been a while, and I've wondered if everything is okay. So this morning I decided to check your blogsite. The new site is great. (With our slow internet connection it took a long time to open the picture, but was worth the wait. A WHALE OF A TALE. Great.) I also learned some things: you have a new job, you were in Central California for a friend's wedding, your car is green as are your favorite clothes, you stay up awfully late, drive much too fast, get sick every so often and sometimes play hooky from church. (The asthma concerns me; it used to be a problem for me, too.) Guess all that explains why I haven't seen you in a while. Next time you're in church give me a hug; I've missed you. Love, Marge


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Awwwwww - with a name like "Marge" you know she's a lover. My awesome girl has someone to hug her.... come to think of it, she has lots of someones to hug her!

I like Marge.

She and I are like this.

I like Marge too.

She and I are like this.

I don't know Marge. But I think she is a lovely, thoughtful person already.You are too. =)

Find a hot doctor. Then atleast you would hate visiting him less.

One time a hot male nurse gave me a strep test. I have the most overactive gag reflex EVER so I tried really hard not to gag in front of him, and I ended up puking in the trash can.

I'm pretty sure he quit his job after that.

That is so sweet! I think we all need little reminders like that, once in awhile, to keep us blogging.

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