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(part III)
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The Yos 2006

I'm not sure if I've officially announced it yet, but I am going camping in two and a half weeks. In Yosemite (alternately: "The Yos 2006"). And if half the fun is the having the fun and half the fun is talking about the fun after then half of the fun is getting ready for the fun. (Seem like tricky math to you? That is how I have so much fun.)

Navigator Slash Driver

So we've got maps and I've made lists and Matt has gear. The Green Monster withstood her test road trip and the campsite has been reserved. And I am so excited I can hardly contain it. (Unlike Matt, I don't quite pee my pants.)

Camping, Take 3

However, last weekend I was up in the hills, and I'm talking little itty bitty suburban hills, for Elle's engagement and I pretty much died on account of because of the asthma. Calculations show that the incline of the hills combined with the low evening temperatures caused my lungs to deflate.

If I'm going to get 'coptered out of The Yos it's going to be because I fought a bear for my right to have her cub not because of my pansy asthma. And since I'm traveling with Matt "I eat barbequed bear cubs for breakfast" Langford and Heather "I was conceived in Yosemite so it's in my DNA" Dodds and Shepherd "Please don't put my first name and last name next to each other, people might google me and find it" Pittman ... oh, wait, Shepherd isn't coming.

What was I saying?

Oh, right. Since I'm traveling with The Beast and Yos Child Prodigy I've decided to make the sacrifice and alter my body in such a way that I won't have to stay at camp all day doing dishes and watching movies on my laptop. Once I'm done with my training regime I will be able to hike Yosemite Falls with the rest of them. With both lungs.

But the training regime? This must be what hell is like. Guys, that's how much I love you.


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Rub it in.

Hey, you can't be too careful. Right now when you google me I come up on Equity Feminism's website.

Emily would be proud.

at least your name is attached to the Wash Times, Shepherd...

Abigail, well done on your motivation for the Yos. I've started a serious daily regimen of... sleeping in and eating.

photostream? neat.

definitely had this conversation with abs this morning:

me: ooh vitamins! i should start taking these!

abs: pssh. vitamins.

me: well when we get stuck on the side of half dome in a snow storm and the only way to survive is by drinking our bodily fluids, you will be SO JEALOUS of my vitamin-rich urine.

abs: did you know i'm related to the donner party?

if nothing else, this should make shepherd a little more glad he can't come.

if she be related to the donner party, i ain't goin. once wuz enuf.


(what a surprise, its from australia.)

@Mountain Jim, who, I am certain of is actually Blogger Error 404.

Eeewww. Go drink some Mountain Deeeew.

But it isn't something new to me, I grew up hearing such stories.

Didn't Ghandi drink his own pee, er, urine every morning? Peeeeace. Haha. Sorry, that's the sort of humor I resort to as I clock in my 14th-straight hour of work. Yay Wednesdays.

My 14th straight hour of no work. Hang on, I meant D-A-Y.


I can Dere-lick my OWN balls

G'D-A-I-Y-E M-A-I-T!

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