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Friday Question Day

Q: What is WILL CALL?

A: I'd like to think that most people who read this blog would never ever ask that and that most people in the world would never ask that but today I was proved wrong.

Today at work I learned that there are a lot of people who don't know what WILL CALL means.

So, here it goes.

WILL CALL means that's where you get your tickets. Like you already paid for them but won't have the actual tickets until you get to the box office. Your seats are reserved but you need to pick up the tickets still. Get it?

Also, just for fun, I looked up exactly where the term came from.

It's derived from the sentence, "I will call on the box office for my tickets." You know, like in the olden days when you went calling on someone.

I'm going to go back to my job now. I swear, most of the time I love working with people.


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OK, What the hell? I'll hold two tickets for you at will call, but only because I'm nice.

niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice look!

Miss Kitty is looking like a show cat.

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