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Celebrity Sighting: Kevin Weisman

Yesterday, as Heather and I made our way back from her house (a far away land) to Panera (our real home) Carolyn called (she was already there) to announce that a guy who looked like the techie guy from Alias was nearby.

Excited, we asked her to please stall him until we got there so we could really investigate. She said she'd see what she could do. (She's not an avid Alias-watcher after all.) Always dependable, Carolyn googled him, found his name (Kevin Weisman) and then silently stalked him. Panera always asks your name so she kept close to make sure he said Kevin. And he did.

We arrived after he had sat down with his family (wife and baby daughter, Maya) and confirmed it was in fact him. We have no idea what he was doing in La Mirada (the 'net says he lives in Los Angeles which I suppose could mean the LM but why would you choose it? Maybe his wife is from the Midwest. She looked cool so probably) but he was definitely having a relaxed lunch.

His wife nursed Maya under a blanket while they were there and when she was done he took her and burped her and bounced her around a bit. It was very cute.

We waited until he was done eating and the caught him on his way back from the bathroom. I introduced myself and went to shake his hand and he said sorry, that his hands were a little wet. I made a joke about how that meant he at least washed his hands and he laughed. He remembered my name and repeated it back several times. He agreed to take a picture with us and was just really nice and charitable. One of his friends he was dining with even offered to take the picture for us.

Celeb Sighting: Kevin Weisman

I resisted the urge to ask him what it's like to work with my lovers (Bradley and Vaughn and Jen) or if Victor Garber also smiles creepy IRL or if he made up all those gadgets on his own and/or had a hard time memorizing the speedy dialogue (he doesn't talk speedy really). Also, he's not that short. And he doesn't look disproportionate either.


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Is this the badger guy?

She looked cool so probably.



Once I was visiting friends in Atlanta and we were invited to this party downtown. But my friend's mother wanted to have "family time" so we didn't go to the party.

The next day my friends who *did* go to the party called to tell us that JENNIFER EFFING GARNER was there and that they MET HER AND GOT PICTURES WITH HER PS I LOVE HER.

Now I hate my friend's mother deeply and with vigor.

This story makes me very sad that I am working ALL THE TIME and therefore can NEVER go to Panera with you and I missed a celebrity siting. But, thank you for the photo documentation...I expected nothing less from you, Schilling

Oh, Shepherd, how I've missed the rage.

Jenny, maybe you could quit your job and we could go to Panera all the time?

Marshall! I love him.

Excitement! Perhaps more so if I had watched more than a couple episodes. Who knew going to Panera so religiously would pay off eventually? ... You did.

I guess that's even better than the time I met Dermot Mulugly.

Amanda please do not refer to Dermot in that disparaging way. I love him.

I wish I could quit my job. Maybe at the end of the week.....oh wait, my job is over at the end of the week :)

jenny, i am part of a stellar unemployed support group. you should join.

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