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Our Soldier

I was sitting on the couch last night, working off a buzz and watching Love Actually, and being totally normal and alive when Elle called me.

"I just got a message from Nathan and his convoy was hit again and he's okay and we're okay and we're all going to live, but I'm scared. He said he was all bruised up and that's it. But I kept waiting for him to tell me his leg had been blown off or something. I'm scared."

This is the second time his convoy has been hit in the last several days. He's been in Iraq for two weeks. He's got forty weeks left. And he'll come back. He'll call every time the convoy hits and then he'll come back.

"Elle, I know God has a plan for your life. Your life and Nathan's life. Together. He's going to come back and you're going to get married."

I got off the phone and we paused the movie and I told everyone how I was sure. I don't even have to convince myself because I was already convinced a long time ago when they decided to get married. Because getting married was pretty much the best decision they could make (even though getting married isn't always the easiest).


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I love you sweet, wonderful, wise girl. I pray for Nathan all the time. I pray for Lauren also. I pray for all of our troops who are living in harms way so that we can watch movies and drive to work at Starbuck's and think and feel freedom.

They are the ones who sacrifice. God protect them and theirs.

Wow. That's tough. No, that's worse than tough. My worst nightmare is that my husband gets sent to Iraq.

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