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My Past Three Weeks in Pictures

Um, she was really excited.
Alisa got married.

Team Lift

Team Lift. (And yes, that is Jeni. And yes we still hang out even though she got married.)

The biggest hamburger in the world
The biggest hamburger in the world.

I thought the ducks looked friendly. And then we got in big trouble for taking this picture. Apparently, it's illegal?
I thought the ducks looked friendly. And then we got in big trouble for taking this picture. Apparently, it's illegal?"

So then we took this picture to break the law.
So then we took this picture to break the law.

Holly friend
Holly friend got married too. She designed the dress.

Chic LA
Chic LA. (We were at Cafe 101 in Hollywood and AMANDA MAE decided we were artsy enough to warrant this picture.)

I get really excited about sending packages. Especially when dry ice is involved.
I get really excited about sending packages. Especially when dry ice is involved.

The spider hysteria
The spider hysteria. Post here.

We waited two years for this day
We waited two years for this day.

Do you understand the meaning of the word foreboding?
Colin is using a mac.


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Thanks for the picture, friend--I still need the CD of the rest of them!

I wore the dress again for the NorCal reception...and I am SO glad I don't have to anymore. So pretty, and so painful.

More Weddings! =)

Hey, where was that duck picture taken? I recall a certain two people getting in trouble at a similar looking store for posing for and taking pictures.

But i feel like Forever 21 isn't cool enough to have ducks for decor. They usually stick to scantily clad mannequins in the windows.

Weddings = story of my life. Shoot, well not ME, but everyone around me.

Forever 21 = Was there last week and girls were told that "Corporate doesn't want you to [take pictures in the store]." So obviously Corporate is spying on you in the dressing area...

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