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I've learned there are three things you don't discuss with people: religion, politics and the Great Pumpkin.

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A couple of my housemates are throwing a Halloween party tomorrow that is the most amazing party that ever existed. Seriously, I'm talking party-of-the-century. I'm talking I've been getting emails for weeks about this party. I'm talking complete redecoration of the house party. Serious party.

The grand entrance

So serious that even though it's well past midnight here, everyone is still up carving pumpkins and working on decorations. The only reason why I'm allowed to take a break from the party-preparing toil is because I promised I was blogging about it.

Worker Bees

Kathy just declared, "It's my first time using a power tool! And it's on a pumpkin!"

Did I mention this was serious?

Mirror mirror on the wall

I even cleaned my room. Under penalty of death.

Per my last Halloween post I dressed as an iPod Nano commercial dancer Saturday night.

iPod Nano

Notice my iPod blur in the top right corner. Genius, I know. Heather (aka Pippi Longstocking) is noticeable over off the right side getting cleaning supplies. So she can clean the Diet Shasta Cola she spilled everywhere in a hurry to get us spiked drinks while I distracted the party host with my awesome costume.

This picture is actually the last trace of evidence that we were even at that party. The next picture is upstairs in Heather's room, where I--after having some of that spiked Shasta drink--had decided that I didn't like my costume anymore and wanted Carolyn's. She obliged. Here I am as Business Cat.

Cowgirl, Pippi, Business Cat?


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Dude, I hate to be the one to point this out, but there are cobwebs all over your piano. Clean the house before you take pictures next time. GOSH.

1. Dude, I hate to be the one to point this out, but those cobwebs are actually wimp webs. It's true. You want proof? You'll have to wait until later.

2. Nice blur

3. I was Pippi Longstocking twice and somehow managed to wear the same costume in fourth and eighth grade.

4. I will be a sexy scientist this year, though the job interfered with any pre-planning.

5. Happy Halloween.

Heather Anne, I'm just trying to keep it real. If that's a problem for you, please return to your Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Bible study.

Shift, 1) The cobwebs themselves are not making a statement. It's the overall decor that is out-doing even Martha. 3) Were you slutty Pippi in 8th grade? 4) I think you mean slutty scientist. Gimme some pictures STAT.

Love the ipod dancer costume! Very cool!!

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