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Sunday I stopped at the Cabazon outlets because AAA had sent me a card saying I got 15 percent off and because I can't let Gap outlets exist without visiting them (it's like the tree in the forest thing). After buying more colors of the same clothes I already own, I stopped at the cosmetics company store.

I love the cosmetics company store because they often have the discontinued Clinique stuff that I get so attached to it. Also, I can get more colors of the same things I already own.

Anyway, they had this "skin blemish control" travel pack for only $21. And it included two different concealers, prevention gel, spot treatment gel, and post-blemish healer. For only $21! So I applied the prevention gel yesterday and today and now I'm totally broken out all over.

My life is a joke.


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I am obsessed with the cosmetics company store, thus the reason for why I have lik 14 little tubes of Bobbi Brown lipgloss.

Anyway, the same thing happened to my face when I tried proactiv. Which is funny given that Diddy said it maintatins the sexy when really all it did was maintain my same crappy skin. Awesome.

Hey, don't worry. Give it a chance. All acne medicine, if it is good, makes you break out at first. It is kinda like skin purification. But after a few weeks it shouldn't do that anymore.
I have acne, and Proactive really has helped more than anything I have tried, including prescription meds. I know that sounds like an advertisement, but it really is true.

Ooops, I didn't read the previous comment. Not trying to be argumentative.

I also enjoy buying things I already own in other colors. I also break out from things that help other people. I'm cool like that.

Someday.... yes, someday, you will listen to your mother.

Sorry, hunnybunny. A good bar of soap and washcloth! It's your internal purse protecting you from purchasing that other expensive crap!

Heather B., I've learned not to trust Diddy on issues regarding the sexy.

Susan, the thing is, it's not really medication. It's just their skin care line. And their clarifying lotion/toner stuff did the same thing for four months until my mom was all, "duh. i've been telling you this for years."

Jill, you are cool like that. We should go shopping.

Sally, you going to market that "internal purse" shit?

Sorry that prevention stuff didn't work for you..that is SO somethign that would happen to me.

Awwwwww. I used to buy stuff for my face all the time because NOTHING suited for more than 3 days and then it would be BREAKOUT LAND. Until, earlier this year where I decided to close my eyes shut and take money out of my wallet and by Danne stuff. I am saving hundreds of dollars. The stuff lasts forever. The stuff works.

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