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Awkward Pictures from The Vault

I've been really bad with week in pictures for several reasons. Reasons I'm too lazy to list now but most of them relate to me being lazy.

Anyway, I'm in Orange today at a Diedrich's in old town and I haven't been here in a year. I hadn't realized that til I was driving here and once I arrived, read the internet, and did some eye flirting with the hot guy reading the finance book (=money), I decided to find the old blog post about that last trip here.

I figured I had to have blogged about it; we had taken pictures. But I found nothing in all the fall months on my blog. So then I headed to Heather's to find nothing again. Surely Emily must have posted about it? Nope.

So I started going through my photo archives which is quite a chore since I (normally) take 50 pictures a week.

October 28, 2005 was when I was last here. Additionally, that was about two weeks after I bought my camera.

Heather's doppleganger on the right. Probably the first time we took a picture of a stranger.

There is a big fountain at the center of old town and Heather and I started experimenting with self portraits. We are so awkward:


Hey look! My forehead is the size of Heather's face!

And here she looks like my child.

Timer! Oooo! My hair is blowing in the wind!

Emily had had a camera forever. She knew what she was doing.

The best part is that I remember thinking we were SO COOL! We could take pictures of ourselves! I'm glad we got better at that.

Now we're really cool.


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Heather, girl, I've told you a million times - DO. NOT. LOSE. YOUR. NECK. Seeing these photos makes me wonder - do you really want this? Because I look at these photos, and I just don't see a top model.

Hi Abigail, I'm lazy, too. It's my super power. My photo archives are a disaster. I tried to find some family photos my cousin asked about and it took a half hour. It seems too late to try to organize them now, there are too many.

Ah, the day of the dreaded hair dying! And I totally don't remember that picture. All I remember is I got NO homework done, thanks to you guys, but the sufficient people watching made me feel accomplished.

Aw, I miss you guys.

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