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(volume ii, part II) »

Poor "Guy"


Blogging every day is totally kicking my ass. In a good way. Like the running-a-mile-every-morning good way. (I had to do this once when I was at summer camp. To get the free t-shirt we had to run a mile every morning, swim a bunch in the frigid Wisconsin waters, do a service project and memorize a psalm. Damn psalm lost me that shirt. Still bitter? Guess so.)

Last week I went to a Switzerland-themed party and since I always bring dessert to parties I figured I could ice the Swiss flag on a cake. It was as easy as it sounds and I would totally show you pictures, but I'm lazy. Still. The cake looked amazing for the first ten seconds after I finished icing it and then, as the still-warm cake started to melt the icing the white cross started to sliiiiiiide off the cake. By the time we got to the party the cross had migrated to a quadrant and was resembling a flag of a Swiss colony.

Embarassed by my recent failure, I took my job to bring a British-themed dessert to tonight's Guy Fawkes party very seriously. I take everything about dessert a little too seriously (well, I take everything about everything a little too seriously but this is my blog so we'll play it off as funnyslashneurotic) and have always irritated the hell out of my friends when mixing box cake batter.

I hate the clumps. I hate hate hate them. They ruin the smoothness of the batter. They ruin the consistency. If they are too big, they can actually remain solid throughout the baking process and BE TASTED upon consumption. I hate myself.

Anyway, post-cake baking, we ran to the store to get frosting. I saved this trip til after the cake cooked so I would allow sufficient time for it to cool. No more sliding. And the grocery store was having a frosting sale! Look at all the goodies!


I spent $10. Look how much I saved:
I actually made money on the transaction. I should buy frosting more often.

And here is the cake, which took almost an hour to ice, what with my dog hovering beneath attempting to attack and the chatting online whilst icing. But isn't it a beauty?
And I didn't even have to use red frosting. Good because red frosting tastes like satan.


Other delicious treats we brought:




That last picture was so you could all see the hotness that is the back of that shirt. I paid way too much for it to only be hot one-sided.

I still don't really understand what the whole holiday is about. But I'm always up for a celebration.


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It was a grand cake! I only have one question...

Do you think it made my ass look big?

That cake? Hot. That shirt? Hot. Patrick? Perfect.

My favorite Flag of the World belongs to Wales.

I watched this show on the History Channel about dragons and now I kind of believe in them. For real.

Shut up, you clumps make you cry.

Uh. I don't know where that extra "you" came from. Sorry. I go away now.

i actually like the clumps in the cake batter. I sift some of them out and eat them plain when i make cakes.

Sappy, it made your ass look HOT. Your ass print did bring the cake down a little though. Sorry.

Heather Anne, do you mean you read about dragons in Harry Potter and now you kinda believe in them? Cause I do. The Ministry has that whole division for keeping them hidden.

Ryan, don't they get stuck in your teeth? I guess it's a tactile thing for me. Do you make British cakes too?

ok so i was going to comment about how im coming over tonight and maybe you should make an irish flag cake for the occasion, but THEN when i was googling the irish flag, i came across irish flag swimwear. and i thought to myself, "well if they make irish flag swimwear, SURELY i could find some wales swimwear for heather anne."

but alas, wales prefers to keep their flag on the pole. sorry, heather anne.

Ok, here's where you learn that I am insane. My family is Catholic, though am not a practicing Catholic to my mother's standards. Anyway, my sister-in-law's birthday is December 8th, the Immaculate Conception. And she compulsively says that. So one year, I iced her birthday cake with an Impressionist-styled figure of the Virgin Mary.


I have a photo somewhere. I'm going to have to find it and post it to my Flickr/blog.

Oh. And I also want a pet dragon.

Heather, by "came across" do you mean "fashioned to sell"?

I'm totally going to make a wales cake.

Jill, I CANNOT WAIT to see this cake. That! is the greatest thing I've ever heard!

And ditto on the pet dragon.

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