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Letter to a Traveling Lover
(volume ii, part II)

I am so in love with you.

Last night, I was helping my sister install the booster seat in the dining room (who knew those things needed to be installed?) and we had had a glass of champagne and we were laughing so hard and I actually wanted you to be there.

I've never wanted that before.

She knew I was thinking of you.

"When do we get to meet him?" she asked.

"We had dinner in August!" I proclaimed, louder than necessary.

"No, I mean really meet him. Maybe you guys should come up to the cabin with us this winter?"

So I told her we would; don't hate me.


Breakfast this morning was a bit of a challenge since we were out of just about everything and I went to the store twice before you even woke up because I forgot half the stuff the first time. (Although, technically, I only forgot one thing the first time and then was inspired by a second trip. That's right, my inspiration is the reason you got coffee. And waffles.)

And the stove is crooked and I had to levitate the pan to keep the eggs from being a giant lump. Then again, maybe the eggs still ended up as a giant lump because you surprised me from behind. Good thing the waffles weren't too burned.

I am so in love with you.


I feel so pathetic saying this, but every time you kiss me it feels like the first time. Just now, as I stood leaning against the door jam, my right arm twisted behind my back keeping the door ajar, saying good-bye to you.

You were half way down the hall way, I was sighing internally, and as I pulled my weight off the door jam to turn away, I balanced onto my feet and you turned around. I let the door close as I took six steps towards you.

I am so in love with you.

And I reached for the nape of your neck with my right hand, two fingers resting on the line where your hair meets your skin, and your left hand was on my collar bone, your palm hitting the line where my skin meets my breast.

And we were kissing again.

Letters, Volume i
Letter to a Traveling Lover (part I)
Letter to a Traveling Lover (part II)
Letter to a Traveling Lover (part III)
Letter to a Traveling Lover (part IV)
Letter to a Traveling Lover (part V)
Letter to a Traveling Lover (part VI)

Letters, Volume ii
Letter to a Traveling Lover (part I)


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(volume ii, part II)

» Letter to a Traveling Lover
(volume ii, part III)
from My Life According to Me
I've never been one to settle into a long embrace. I don't like candle-lit dinners or rose petals. But I feel it, sometimes, I swear. When we laying on the tennis courts, spring's leaves twisting our hair, and a regular... [Read More]


That is simply gorgeous.

I must come back and read your previous editions, but right now I must get to bed.

I love these letters you write, every single word of every single one of them.

Occasionally though, it appears as if you have expressed in words a few of my memories. That feels very very strange - not in a bad way. Just makes me raise an eyebrow in suprise.

oh my.

make the sexy time

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