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Let Them Eat Cake

I could never run for office.

1) I'd have to pick a party to run under, and I hate parties. Well, just those kinds of party.

2) I'm more like Marie Antoinette than Mother Theresa.

3) I would just say, "Right. I'll get my things and let's fix the country, shall we?" all the time.

4) I get way too competitive.

I think my roommates (hi, roommates! Sorry about how my clothes are taking over the world, maybe they should run for office?) only voted for me in the Hoagies so I would SHUT UP ALREADY about them.

So I promise this is that last word I write about the Hoagies. I WON!

Thanks everybody for voting. You've prolonged my life expectancy for at least 5-7 years. I know that doesn't mean much now, but when we're old, and I'm still writing this website, you'll be able to read about kids these days and their utterly disrespectful behavior.

Congrats to all the winners and competitors. Everyone on that list totally deserved it.


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Congrats! Next stop? CNN BLOGPARTY!


Huzzah! : )

Thank God.

Thanks, guys!

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww - I'm happy for my girl cuz I know how happy this makes her.

Back in the Desert. Drove through Temecula in the daylight.

I'm not sure I want Mother T running the country either.

Cong-ra-tu-lations and Ju-bi-lations for Abigail won a turkey trophy this year! You had my vote too! (Do I get the best voter prize?)

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