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Some people are really into shows like LOST or Grey's Anatomy. Or the other shows that are big deal, big budget. Me? I'm into America's Next Top Model.

As in Tyra Banks' creation designed to showcase herself and also to find America's Next Top Model. Really, about the first part. I love this show because it's totally designed to prey on these girls' insecurities, to make them hate each other, and to make them believe they're actually going to work with Naomi Campbell. (Did you know Tyra has worked with Naomi? It's true. That's how she knows that she kinda dances on the runway. Eugenia, you could learn from that.)

It's brilliant.

Each week is themed: stereotypes, being sexy, spokeswoman, circus. Right.

This week was "Action" week. They brought in a model slash athlete (and not the other way around) to demonstrate how to take action shots. They made the girls wear bikinis and dive for volleyballs. Then they criticized them for looking dumb. It was beauty.

But really, I think the whole set-up was for Anchal, the contestant with the big boobs. And the small self-esteem. Anchal spent the entire episode whining about wearing a bikini and not being athletic. It was beauty.

I really think Anchal should take a leaf out of our book. Before we even learned the tricks of the model slash athlete trade, we snagged this action shot in the grocery store:


If you ignore the part where I am definitely not working my angles, and the part where we're alcoholics (stereotypes=bad, see week two), we totally rock the shot. I think we've got what it takes to become America's Next Top Model.


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That cart is definitely full throttle on it's way to becoming America's Next Top Model.

I want to be BFF with Mr. J. And to learn to walk a runway with Miss J. And to have a drunken night out with crazy Janice Dickinson. And do to naughty things to Nigel Barker.

As a fellow fan of the low budget reality show, I must tell you that Janice Dickenson was on an episode of Million Dollar Listing. Awesome.

Do you use Wordpress by any chance? I do, and my photos are clickable and I don't know how to make them so. I'm looking for someone who uses Wordpress and has clickable photos... You?

Also, that's the SAME reason I love ANTM!

Emily, the cart just needs more personality, right? Because you need personality to be a top model, right? Because that's what all the super models have, right?

Jennie, I hate to break it to you but I'm already BFF with Mr. J. He even got me CoverGirl's new weightless foundation early. He made me promise I'd mention it on my blog. It's weightless! I feel like I'm in a wind tunnel!

Jenn, was she the real estate?

Doah, after watching the show don't you think you could totally pander to what they expect? It's so predictable. I love it!

Dear Tyra: the show is fab, but "cycles"? Really??

one word ... fierce

I am unexpectedly hooked on this show, and you're totally right about Anchal. It's like Mean Girls, only... real!

Oh, and I'm new here. Hi.

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