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Around the House

One of the things I'm really loving about living in a quiet house in a quiet neighborhood is that I'm mostly left alone with my thoughts. My thoughts are a place I rarely go as I am usually too entrenched in conversations around me, or my job, or the lives of people I don't really know.

But when you're living in a quiet house in a quiet neighborhood you seem to run through those thoughts fairly quickly and stand before a vast expanse of Time. A short list of things I've done since I've discovered Time:

rearranged the furniture in my room three times
perfected the most amazing cookie recipe and made cookies at least once a week
caught up all the last three seasons of Gilmore Girls
taught myself a lot more code so I could
reinstalled and updated Movable Type
and learned how to use plugins
started something exciting
cooked a lot of things with Carolyn
set up all our utilities
watched the Director's commentary on all my favorite movies
made a budget and dedicate extensive time each week to balancing my checking account
started taking pictures again

The most exciting thing though--what I might love more than anything else--is home improvement. Tim The Tool Man Taylor home improvement. I'm OBSESSED.

Carolyn and I need a fridge. That was the first thing. We were using my old dorm fridge which was sort of working except the freezer refused to keep ice cream in a solid state. And it was like four feet tall. We were offered two free fridges both which were too big to fit in the designated fridge area. We had a whole open corner they could go in instead and we talked about different ways we could arrange the kitchen to accommodate the larger fridges but in the end we decided we could do so much MORE! with that open corner and that we'd be best off buying a brand new fridge.

So we took measurements (oh, how much I take measurements now) and started reading customer reviews online. We narrowed our options down to two and spend THREE DAYS deliberating which fridge. We bought a fridge on President's Day which worked out very well (Home Depot Daniel ended up giving us like 30 percent off and free shipping).

Here we are with our new fridge (at the store, before it was free delivered, ours is white):

Our new fridge

Carolyn the cat with our new fridge
I am wearing my I-don't-shower-or-get-dressed-on-the-weekends outfit and Carolyn is a contributing member of society. We make a good pair.

The fridge is awesome (even though that one guy from the fridge message boards who said that butter doesn't stay in the butter tray was right) and we love it.

Next stop on the Home Improvement Train (conductor: Al Borland): PAINTING ALL THE ROOMS IN OUR HOUSE. I am very excited about this (and Carolyn is gearing up) and there will be before and after pictures on Monday. Woooo!

(We're only painting two rooms this weekend. But that is enough to warrant pictures. And a painting team.)


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» I need four day weekends. from Abigail M. Schilling
This weekend was a big celebration of nothing to do, yay! I slept in Saturday morning, and sort of cleaned my room which turned more into a feng shui-ing event. So now the furniture is in new places and it... [Read More]


Fridge message boards? Awesome.

My roommate and I have been meaning to paint our apartment since we moved in. We've been here almost a year now. Oops!

You're like an actual grown up. I'm also jealous because I would like to be an adult and pick out a fridge. But for now I have a condo with the fridge that the owner picked out. What I'd really like is an ice machine.

Oh and I totally procrastinate when it comes to my apartment, which explains why my bedroom looks like I just moved in yesterday.

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