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Pill Towel

pill towel
by Compact Impact

16 towels for $12

This reminds me of the giveaways we used to get at the Chicago trade shows that looked like just a regular blue salt cube but then when you put them in water they blossomed into white washcloths with a blue company logo. My mom used these washcloths to clean the bathroom and said they were not allowed to touch our skin ever.

Basically, this is the same deal, but more sanitary. And it looks like a pill! Who doesn't want to look like a popper?

I think they're kinda fun (okay, the gif above has convinced me they're really fun) and apparently (see below) they're earth-friendly. I'm not sure if that's because they're more sanitary... or why exactly, but I'll buy it. (After closer study of the gif, I've learned that it's eco-friendly because it will eventually dissolve. Hopefully not while you're using it.) Also, look at the fun little tablet packs they come in. So cool.

pilltowel_01.jpg pilltowel_02.jpg

(Sorry for the little blip earlier where I randomly posted the URL with no fascinating pictures or text.)



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