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TV: Quitters.

Annnnnnnnnnnnd it's time for TV. Clearly, I am too lazy to write more than two recaps. So you get whatever I feel like whenever I feel like it. Oh, Internet, the ways I abuse you. Please don't turn on me yet, I have some exciting surprises around the corner.

Read on for ANTM and Gossip Girl...


Alright, that was an awesome episode and my statement is based purely on panel because I now can't seem to remember anything besides Tyra saying, "I HATE QUITTERS." I mean, for real, that was way harsh, Ty. So harsh that Ebony didn't even look at the other girls. So harsh that they played Ebony's contestant video as part of her montage. Tyra is PISSED.

I found it interesting that they were going to send a challenge winner home. This has probably happened before but it still seems weird. I guess that's the beauty of the show. There are no rules. You can take a great picture but can get cut for not wanting it bad enough. You can have "all the potential in the world" and get sent. home. There are no immunity idols. There is no accountability. You either in, or you out.

Ebony reminds me of Victoria who also kinda voted herself off this cycle What is the deal, Tyra? Why are you picking the wrong girls? You know there are a million girls so bitter right now that they didn't get picked. How does that make you feel?

Ebony wears the same shirt in her contestant video as she does in her interviews this week. Does this mean something? And if it does, what does it mean that Heather was wearing gobs of makeup in her interviews?

Heather has been the viewers' CoverGirl of the Week every single damn week. That makes me feel like this show is going downhill. Where is the editing that makes us love someone and then hate them the next week? Huh? Huh!?

I'm still having a hard time picking favorites since it's too soon and too lazy of an editing job to convince me of anything but I like Sarah and Saleisha a lot. Second tier is Chantal and Heather. I'm starting to get the Jenah vibe. I was impressed with Bianca's practicing -- and I cannot believe they made Tyraisms real. It was like Pinocchio. So maybe I don't have a favorite. Hate?

Lisa. Lisa is annoying me.

But after typing that I have to take it back. I can't even hate her. I feel like these girls are up against so much and I just want to be on their side. Against Tyra.

Gossip Girl

I am in love with Nate. I feel like he's pulling off the best acting and he has the most real shit to deal with. And, he's hot.

Vanessa's wardrobing was surely offensive to all residents of New York and Vermont, I think.

Blair is an enigma. One minute I think her cruelty is hilarious or I feel sad about her relation with her mom and the next minute I'm mad at her for yelling at Nate for not finding her by midnight. I mean, I see where she's coming from but that's only because I know Nate better than she does. Wait. Hang on while I try to make sense of this show... maybe that is the fatal flaw... I don't believe that these characters know each other more than I know them and that's not going to make me believe their relationships.

Regarding Little Jenny Humphrey (who, I must assume, actually has "Little" on her birth certificate based on the frequency with which it is used): what they're doing with her character is actually impressive to me. She's not the little girl going bad. She's not already bad (a la Kaitlin Cooper). She is seemingly naive but not (see sleepover). And she is revenge-driven like Blair without being a psychopath.

I'm not one to make comparisons between OC and Gossip Girl, but I can say that GG hasn't touched me yet in the way that OC did. I'm still watching Gossip Girl as a spectator, not as a friend. But as the episodes continue to air and we learn more and more about these characters, I'm starting to fall in love with one after another. Little Jenny Humphrey has enough dynamic to make for Blair and Nate's unbelievable impending breakup.


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» Watch me bury the lead from Abigail M. Schilling
Gossip Girl Turns out this show is mind-blowingly inappropriate. Did you watch it yet? Everyone was having sex everywhere! Everybody knows that when teenagers are horny it's hardly ever sexy, so the whole Dan and Serena charade was sort of... [Read More]


I'm so glad you wrote about ANTM. I wanted to hear someone else say that Tyra was ridiculous. I don't like quitters and for that you can go?! Maybe she just realized it's not for her. That's not quitting, that's being real with yourself. I hate Tyra in that moment.

I'm pretty much with you on the rest of it too. I just can't pick a favorite right now, I kinda gotta root for everyone. Good recap.

Doahleigh, I read this great recap that totally called Tyra OUT on the quitting thing too. Because she quit singing AND acting. AND she told Ebony to leave because Ebony quit. She was all, "You quit!? Well I FIRE YOU!" It was very Michael Scott, really.

I forgot to tell you I ordered the Gossip Girl prequel. That's right: I don't watch Private Practice, because it sucks. But don't you call me a hater, AMS.

You ordered The OC?! I cannot believe my ears. But what if you don't like it? Now I'm all nervous. Like you're meeting my parents.

Cooper, you're an amazing dancer, and you're a great choreographer, but as a boyfriend... you kinda suck.

Have you had dinner yet?... Dessert?

You ordered The OC?! I cannot believe my ears. But what if you don't like it? Now I'm all nervous. Like you're meeting my parents.

Um. No. I ordered the actual Gossip Girl prequel. The book. The HARDCOVER book. I don't even know myself anymore.

Ohhh, the book. I didn't even know the 10+ book series (for YOUNG ADULTS) had a prequel. From Amazon:

Taking place over their sophomore year, It Had to Be You unveils the secrets behind the hot and sultry summer that Blair, Serena, and Nate's love triangle begins--and there's a lot more to this story than anyone realizes. Find out how Blair first snagged Nate, why Serena really left for boarding school, and how the legendary Gossip Girl column began. This beautifully jacketed hardcover addition to the #1 bestselling series will thrill author Cecily von Ziegesar's fans and will undo some of the myths created in the 11 previous novels, so don't believe everything you've read so far. After all, this is Gossip Girl.

I don't know if i can handle that kind of information.

I think Blair and Serena make a better couple than Nate and either one of them.


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