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Ben Franklin was here.

I'm back from Philly where I had, of course, the best time ever.

I have so much to say about it. When that happens I tend to say nothing because I get all overwhelmed and stuff (see: everything important and/or exciting that has happened in my life in the last few years) and not talk or write about it. Maybe this time will be different!

Here's a short story from our trip:

On Friday night Amanda called me because she thought maybe she was lost on her was to LAX. This happens to me all the time and I'm never actually lost. Norwalk just goes on FOREVER that you think you're never going to get any farther west. I was half way through my fifth rum and coke (they were only $3! Philadelphia, I LOVE YOU) and so I got all serious and pretended I had been drinking only water with lemon and instructed her through the LA Country grid. Then, compelled with honestly, I blurted "I'VE HAD FIVE DRINKS!" because I felt like I had been lying. She was like, "where ARE you?"

I was sitting in a dark booth with Jennie and Kat eating startingly delicious Irish food and drink (seriously, $3 rum and cokes!) and plotting life reform. See, we had just gotten the news that wasn't going to make it to us on Friday and her potential Saturday arrival was up in the air--or rather, grounded--and waiting on the off chance that there might be a flight with some overhead compartment space for her to fit in.

Heather is kinda notorious for her ability to summon good luck (or rather, for it to happen upon her) and so when her backpack was stolen and then returned untouched we knew it was because she was the nicest and goodest person in the whole entire world. However, the People in Charge of Air Travel hadn't gotten that memo and were holding our charm of sweetness and light hostage and so we made the huge and terrifying decision to try to be good and nice people just like her to help magic work for all of us.

This pact lasted for at least six hours (when we finally passed out at 4 am). We did not make fun of other people. We did not talk smack. We had visible halos following us around. Unfortunately, it didn't work quite the way we intended, but I think my heart grew a few more sizes.

Maybe I will tell another story tomorrow. Or maybe I will catch up on TV.


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I totally thought potato cake was something andrew made up.

shhhh, he thinks he did.

i am just a little glad we didn't have to wear our halos the following night because, well, you know.

true story. BUT it may have helped your photos not turn out. you know like how angels can't be photographed or whatever.

I was so happy the next day when we could start talking shit and making fun of people again.

It was as though no time had passed. (Maybe because in my memory no time had passed. Rum does that.)

NO T.V. while I'm in your house!

Hey, that feels good. I'm in your house and you're not! HAH! I could run to Home Depot or Lowes and change the LOCKS! HAH!
Or, I could get RID of the T.V. and the stacks of DVD's! HAH! I could cause a LOT of trouble. HAH!

Love, Momma

Please. By the end of tonight you will be addicted to Gossip Girl. It happens to the best of us.

While I have your attention, I'm going to the bank. Would you like me to deposit money in your account, or would you like cash on the kitchen table?

Cash, please. Small unmarked bills. (Not really. Large bills are fine.)

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