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good luck exploring the infinite abyss

It was really hot here over the weekend. Thankfully, we have an air conditioner installed in one bedroom in our house so we've spent the down time between movies in there, reading, doing homework, and sorting through pages and pages of Pieces of Flair.

Unfortunately, the room with the air conditioner is not my room. My room did have an air conditioner last summer. And then in the winter, the draft coming through got so bad I took it out and put it in the garage (where it took a fall but hopefully was not damaged cross your fingers). Then the window got stuck and no matter how hard I tried it would not come open. So not only did that make it impossible to reinstall the air conditioner but it also made it impossible to get any sort of draft in the evening when it cools down outside. (Of course, after days of listening to me try to open it, my roommate got it open on the first try. "You have to wiggle while you lift." Huh.)

Needless to say, I spent Sunday night camping in our living room with the front door open.

And now I wish I was camping all the time.

When I was moving all my blankets into the living room after restlessly flopping around in my hot bed I actually considered hiking out to our garage (which is out on the alley) to get my sleeping bag and pad and gear. I thought better of it (read: I was too lazy) but I haven't stopped plotting my next camping trip.

We went to Costco on Saturday (to get out of the heat, standard) and they had this HUGE tent hanging from the ceiling and I haven't stopped thinking about it either. It had a porch! And it was only $100! And it could fit ALL of my friends inside!

I have the itch.

And I didn't plan for it at all.

See, in these parts if you want to get a camp site reservation for the summer you have to book it in February. And I was too busy complaining about something else in February.


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Diane Sawyer said record highs for SoCal on Good Morning America today. Sorry.

Why are you watching GMA?

A tent with a porch?! What?

Well, not like a Southern wrap-around or anything. Like the a covering.

oh em gee i can't stop looking at flair.

I know, right?

Plus, it would be totally sweet to set up a tent like that in your living room on weekends you weren't actually camping.


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