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you just like saying yogalates

I started back with yoga Monday.

My last tryst with the art of movement was short and last summer which means one thing... fling. And yet, I seem to believe--for whatever reason--that doing yoga makes me a better person.

While the jury is still out on that, I decided to try pilates too.


My whole body hurts. And I actually CRIED actual tears (TEARS!) in the class. After one particular excercise that involved a combination of push ups and death we all got to "take a break" by lying on our backs and squeezing our asses and pulling our abs back down into the earth. Then we sat up for the next set of death and our instructor Kendra was all, "ohhh, you guys look sad." UH HUH.

She was very sweet and motivating and kept trying to convince us that Tuesday is the best day ever because Tuesday is the day when there is pilates. And I kind of believe her.

Like, even though it was brutal (BRUTAL) and sixty whole minutes long I'm wondering if I'll be a little better next time. I'm wondering if next time I might be able to do two push ups. I probably won't, but Kendra made me believe.

I guess that's where the good person thing comes in. Damn.


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Somehow it seems so right that your instructor would be named Kendra.

Right after she told us her name I thought shew as going to make a joke. But she didn't. I guess pilates instructors don't watch the E! Network.

i am totally not kidding around when i say this, but working out is ruining my life.

or, at least, my enjoyment of it.

Don't try pilates.

I don't care what anyone says, I think Tuesday is the worst day of the week and I'm sticking to it.

I thought you hated Monday most because of the insomnia?

I SO want to do pilates with you. Then I won't have to suffer alone :)

Oh, I am totally going to take you up on that.

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