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Things I Learned While Watching
US Marshals on AMC

Genital herpes can be spread at any time. And a lot of people don't know they have it. To make this end, buy some medication.

Buy some insurance. Car. Life. Car. Car. Life. Pet (free with life!)

High cholesterol can cause erectile dysfunction. Buy some medicine.

It is the final! days! to! save! on a Mercury.

You should stay at some hotels. Some have free internet. Some have free breakfast.

The event! of! the! summer! is here! Get a Mercedes!

Should a man over 50 take the same multi-vitamin as a woman? The answer is no. Buy some vitamins.

Use Netrogena anti-wrinkle cream to look like Diane Lane.

A heart attack is waiting to strike! Buy some heart medicine.

Denture paste is oozy. But not this kind! Buy it!

Have Type 2 diabetes? Buy some medicine!

Travelocity will warn you if your hotel is under construction.

Tommy Lee Jones is kick ass. (But you have to wade through hours of commercials to appreciate him. Also, I think this is the first film I've seen for Jones, Robert Downey, Jr., and Wesley Snipes. I didn't even recognize RDJ.) (Also, I didn't realize that 90s action thriller movies on AMC were viewed by the sexually-active elderly. Who apparently also use the internet to make travel reservations.)


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I lied. I've seen two other RDJ movies: Good Night, and Good Luck and A Scanner Darkly. I just don't think I have any concept of what he looks like. I couldn't point him out in a line up right now.

Use Netrogena anti-wrinkle cream to look like Diane Lane.


She looked eerily unwrinkled in the post. I realize that's the point, but she didn't quite look herself.

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