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Friday Flicks!

I have a group of friends that is spread out across the world (much like you all), and thanks to the internet we can still totally make fun of each other. This week's assignment was to make a video of yourself lip syncing. The idea is for it to look like it's actually you, because that is funny. Seriously, try it.

I thought it would be an easy assignment, but it took me several takes to figure out how to work my recorder (again), and then the speakers were too close to the mic, and then only I was to blame for my distinct inability to lip sync. Just to clarify, there is really no way for me to ever fully avoid embarrassing myself.

Man, I am such a douchebag. At some points, I'm pretty sure you can actually hear me whispering. Sigh. I will go down with this ship.

Speaking of lip syncing, have you seen THIS video? It is truly my favorite thing on the internet right now. (Also, Usher is constantly stuck in my head. In this club. In this club. In this club.)

Gah! So phenomenal!

So you have a choice on what project to work on this weekend: make a video of yourself lip syncing OR program an animatronic. Ready? Go!

[via NYmag]


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sorry, can't do either. i'm going to a baseball game.

psh. excuses.

I can't watch these right now, but I look forward to it later.

I look forward to your job not sucking balls.

We forgot! We are going to do it tonight though...and you are a terrible lip syncer. Ryan just kicked your ass.

I KNOW. I suck. Make your video.

Brilliant. The white flag was a nice touch.

Praise from the master himself! Score.

Hooray! Weekend project! And fortunately I just recently discovered that I enjoy making embarrassing videos of myself.

Ahem: http://narfna.livejournal.com/148761.html

Yes, that was awesome. You truly set the bar.

You could have just posted the one and pointed to any one of the lip synchin' dudes and dudettes of the autotronics, or whatever they're called, in the second video.

I would have believed you.


I don't get it.

Oh my god those are the characters from Show Biz Pizza! Just the other day i was trying to tell my boyfriend about them, and he had no idea what I was talking about. Thank you for sharing this with me - best part of my day!

Yes! I was too young to know them, I think, but people on the youtube comments are reacting the same way as you.

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