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BlogHer FTW (NOT a liveblog!)


First of all, do you see that badge? It's is a totally, fully, different color than everyone else. It is STAFF GREEN. I got it because I'm liveblogging, but I don't actually know anything else. So, when people say "oooo, staff" (which they always say) I've started making up stuff. "You know that Verizon guy who tests the phones? I test the internet." "I'm enforcing the 'greenest conference ever' thing so, um, I hope you're planning on recycling that bottle."

Second of all, last night at a party a lady came up to me and was like, "I KNOW YOU!!!!" I was all, "ummm, really?" because while this is normal for some bloggers here, if people know me I know them, too. This lady eyed my name tag (see above) and was like, "what's your name?" And I was like, "What's YOUR name, no-tag lady?" And she told me her name and then she hugged me. HUGGED me. I felt awkward of course and then she said, "I'm so drunk, I swear I know you." Then she hugged me three more times and wandered off. I definitely don't know her.

But that brings me to the third thing, which is that people keep recognizing me. But not in the blog way, not like, "oh my god! Melissa Summers knows my name!" but it the "I think I know you from somewhere" way. When they learn my name they look even more puzzled because it doesn't ring a bell, and they start asking where I'm from, went to school, etc., to place how they know me. So, world wide web, is there another blogger who looks like me? Do I have a bloggerganger?

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I know you!

You have that look of authority, ease with the situation, beauty and presence. Thus, people "know" the look. And, you've got it baby!


Your hair is adorable!

::blushes some more::

My sole purpose for commenting is to complement your super awesome hair, but it seems I was beat to it.

My hair can never take too many compliments. It's a compliment whore.

At least I wasn't no tag lady, but I will admit to being one of your many "I totally know you from somewhere" followers. There are far worse things. Like being addicted to Second Life.

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