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Happy Holiday Weekend

I just finished packing for a weekend out of town--a veritable extravaganza of fun. I'm flying up to NorCal to white trash it up with Heather. We'll geocache and then drive up to Oregon where we'll meet up with Roommate Carolyn and celebrate the Fourth with the hippies. Saturday is Heather's birthday (we are sooo going to party), and then Sunday we drive down to SF because my friend Emily is tying the knot with her longtime boyfriend, Matt. We'll spend a night with my aunt, and then Carolyn and I will road trip back down here to hot hot SoCal.

Fun, yes?

My last-minute-packing unskills are well documented on this site but I am becoming better. For example, I did my laundry last weekend instead of tonight. I spent most of my work day creating a very detailed to-pack list so thorough that it when it came time to pack it was as though I was following Potions instructions from the Half Blood Prince. Magic. I'll be checking my suitcase because it's still free! since I bought the ticket before June 17. This is good because I need four pairs of shoes for this trip. With the hiking and the wedding and the hippies, I can't do less than four. This is weird because I'm the type of person who brings one pair of shoes and fifty shirts and wishes she had more shoes and less shirts. HOWEVER, my new Potions leaf will prevent all these problems. In fact, if you name a day and time, I can tell you exactly what I will be wearing. SKILLZ.

I hope you all have fun with your weekend and do fun, patriotic things. This has always been one of my favorite holidays and it is peppered with terrific memories and then some not so terrific because I have so much invested in the day. Last year was a downer, but this year will be an upper. Even though I have to wake up at 4 am to get to the airport.

I'm turning off comment moderation because I'm uncertain of my internet access, so welcome the spammers!


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That sounds like an amazing weekend. Have a great time!

And if we're lucky, we'll get to see this lady

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OMG who is that a-hole that posted that.

I wish this weekend wasn't over ever.

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