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Interestingly, I can't sleep.

I mean, it's not really like I've tried: trying involves closing the computer. If that doesn't work, then I put on The Weepies. Inability to sleep is not something I actually possess which leads me to believe I don't want to sleep.



(That was me trolling THE ENTIRETY OF FLICKR. I've seen every single photo.)

I'm going to lift my self-imposed no-more-video-games-today ban, close my computer, turn on The Weepies, and game myself into sleep. Otherwise, the internet will rob my life.


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Sleeping is overrated.


But... I think "Flood" kept me up much later than my own brain tinkering would have.

Hope you slept in. I did.

What time did you finally go to bed? I think I finally fell asleep at six. I feel like shit. How about you?

Are you on an airplane or laying out by a pool?

At the airport. Feel like shit.

Your auntie said she's so very sad, actually depressed since you left. She misses you so much!


Sorry you feel like shit. I hate that feeling.

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