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What does she mean by that, "especially you"?!

The last few days have been a bit of a blur. I finally stopped feeling siiiiiiiiiiick on Sunday, after I had missed out on a couple good parities. I made up for it Sunday night by going to going away party for a friend of mine. He's moving to Scotland, so kilts were obviously in order:

TartansTartans and some Scottish-themed gifts

I made some bad decisions that night about drinking. Not bad decisions while drinking, which I feel is an important distinction, but the kind of decisions that made me sick for the rest of my life. Even 24 hours later, I got vertigo while sitting quietly in my living room.

I did randomly have some old friends over last night. My roommate, the best roommate of all the roommates, cooked dinner (with pots! and pans!) for everyone and then we talked for evers and evers. Some of it was reminiscing because we'd all spent a lot of time together when we were 19, but it was also just a lot of laughing til we cried because we get along just as well now--and with the exception of me on Sunday night--we all make better decisions than when we were 19 too.

Last night was one of those experiences that people say will never happen. They say they miss something or other and nothing will ever be the same again. I loved being 19. It was a really important time in my life, a time when I did so many things that made me the person I am now. I don't think I ever miss it, though. And last night, I was with those same people from that same lifetime and it was exactly like being 19 except being more mature and all the other things that have happened since then. Maybe it's just because I like change, but that experience happened last night and it had nothing to do with a time machine or anything. Shrug. I don't know what more to say about it without being even more overly dramatic.

I traded cameras with my mom because mine stopped performing which is why I stopped uploading pics to Flickr. She doesn't need a camera that much so she figured she could get by with the weaker camera. However, her camera used to belong to a dead relative of mine who didn't know how to delete images from the card so it came with THREE HUNDRED photos of people who are now dead. Weird, huh? They're all deleted now, no worries.

The end. I'm going to brave the world today.


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» Watch me bury the lead from Abigail M. Schilling
Gossip Girl Turns out this show is mind-blowingly inappropriate. Did you watch it yet? Everyone was having sex everywhere! Everybody knows that when teenagers are horny it's hardly ever sexy, so the whole Dan and Serena charade was sort of... [Read More]


It's good to know that people can completely change and still be friends.

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