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you're getting older

Dudes! The Office! It starts tonight! I'm beyond excited. In fact, I have actually worked ahead so that I can watch in peace--with commercials and everything!--tonight. That means I had to sacrifice ANTM tonight so don't spoil it for me. If you're looking to pass the time til nine, I have to recommend Best Office Fansite Ever, OfficeTally.com. They've got tons of fun stuff and! a list of parties!

Work has been busy lately. Standard.

What are you doing this morning? I am listening to James Blunt, thinking about when to go to Starbucks, and working. Mostly.

Here is a picture of our neighbor's dog:


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Commercials and everything? You are brave.

Waste no time...Starbucks now!

You read my mind, I just got back!

Does Maggie know that Maddie is on her way?

And, I thought Maggie was on her way to Patagonia...

Old picture, I think she's gone now.

I can't think too much about The Office or else I get too excited and can't concentrate.




Can I watch the Office with you? I am home ALL ALONE, and for all I know Nate was eaten by a shark today while kayaking with his boss, and I am now a single parent who has to watch The Office all by herself. Alone. ::sob::

Also, I just realized that I lost your phone number when my past phone was stolen, and thus, cannot call you.

I'll call you right now.

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