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I'm still licking my wounds.

I'm not ashamed to admit how badly I wanted it. Sometimes I get the vibe that that is frowned upon generally, that I should care more about "having fun." But whatever, man, I have fun and also I throw my heart into it. It's who I am.

(Even now, as votes that don't count still come in, the other two maintain a large lead with me in the rear. Lick lick lick.)

I have still not unpacked, of course, and before I left I tore apart my room, of course, so I've made a point of writing "clean room" on every to do list I've written since my return (list count: at least four). Other things on that list involve writing down everything that happened, editing b roll video footage, proofing my little brother's English paper, writing my ass off,

There are two videos up at The Collective that Heather and I made on our trip. Check them out, yo.

Today, Charter came to fix out cable. See, we changed out cable boxes two weeks ago in one of the many steps transitioning to TiVo. Last Thursday we discovered that in the latest box switch we lost all of our extended basic channels. We are such dorks that it took us over a week to notice. We just kept watching CNN and the CW and grumbling that the TiVo wasn't recording ProjRun. All is well now and during the technician visit I totes convinced him he needed a TiVo too. Charter, you are such assholes that your own employees would rather pay for another company's service than use yours.


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If it makes you feel any better, I voted for you both times. :-)

Thank you!

Nothing wrong with admitting that you want something (says someone who hates admitting it herself :) ). I hope you're proud of yourself for getting so far in the competition, and I'm psyched that you got such a cool trip out of it, but nobody said you have to be happy about not coming in first. Still, I think that you're super cool for being in the competition at all.

You are sweet, and you're right. I got a super cool trip.

I don't think you're wrong to admit wanting it. It's Southwest's loss, really. I'm sure they'll come to realize that. They probably already do. They're probably all, "WTF? Abigail was clearly the best. WTFWTF?" because Southwest kind of has a dirty mouth.

Wicky wicky wicky whaaaaaaaaaaa?

I'm sure you know what that's from.

No joke, I have been saying that constantly for like 3 days now.


Tivo makes all things better!

True story. The Office starts tomorrow. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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