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Hello? Vegas?

vegas, here i come
Look! My ticket is hand written!

Well, folks, the day is upon us. The day I venture to Vegas (for my first time! eee!) to compete in the Southwest Blog-O-Spondant Competition.

Things I am nervous about:

traffic on the way to the airport
meeting the competition
my equipment not working
it being so hot in vegas I die
um, the actual competition, very

HOWEVER, Southwest is bringing Heather too to be my assistant. Is there anyone else in the world you'd bring with you to win a video blogging travel airlines competition? Or any competition for that matter?

We fly in tonight and then tomorrow morning at 10 am we get out final video challenge. We'll spend all day filming and then we'll post it online. The judging ceremony is Sunday at 1.

This part is important: Online votes will count for 30 percent of my final score (judges votes will count for 70 percent). That means I NEED you all the vote and to tell everyone you know to vote!

I will be posting the video here with the voting link as soon as you can vote. If I can, I'll try to post the challenge to so you can chime in with great ideas.

My packing list is literally 230 words so I need to start packing.



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» I'm still licking my wounds. from Abigail M. Schilling
I'm not ashamed to admit how badly I wanted it. Sometimes I get the vibe that that is frowned upon generally, that I should care more about "having fun." But whatever, man, I have fun and also I throw my... [Read More]


You two are going to have so much fun! Kick some butt, and keep us posted about voting!

I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!! And I will be voting early and often. :-)


good luck, good luck, good luck!

I think the competition needs to be nervous about you.

I will vote so many times and get so many people to vote that I will break the internet. Except not really because then we would die from withdrawal.


(Watch out for the pornslappers.)

GOOD LUCK! You'll be so great. Plus also, you and your assistant will have so much fun!

YAY!! I just want to repeat what Jennie! said word for word. Plus, can I vote now please?

You're going to rock it. Have a great time!

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