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BFF Elle's birthday present

BFF Birthday Bundle

First, you have to know that she loves people to play with her hair. It's probably her favorite thing in life and if we're just sitting around watching a movie she'll whine, "can you play with my hair?" and then she'll move herself so that her head is right under my hand. You know, kind of like how cats do when they want to be scratched.

Obviously, this gets old and after being BFFs for seven years, I've learned that it's okay to say no sometimes because guess what! People still like me even though I say no sometimes. Guilt still lingers though because it's hard to know that you can do something to make someone so happy, but you're just too lazy to do it.


The Head Massager or Masse Tete

Masse - Tete

According to the packaging it: instantly relaxes, relieves tension and stimulates sensitive nerves in the scalp, great way way to unwind while traveling, use at home or at the office, super invigorating, you won't believe the results!

Did you hear that? Super! Invigorating!

At first Elle looked at it like, ummmmmmm, and I explained and she was all ummmmmm, and then I took it to her head and she was like, "please never stop that!" And guess what! I won't! For a little while anyway. See, using this on her head is way, way, way easier than doing it myself. Plus also, she could do it herself. She probably won't because what cat scratches against a wall when they can scratch against your hand, but maybe if she's really desperate. Needless to say, I was right. It was a perfect gift for her. I love being right!

I found this awesome device (and many other gifts for friends) at Powell's Books for Home and Garden when I was in Portland. A bookstore that sells tchotchkes, gotta-have-ems, and books is my kind of store.

I can't find this exactly model anywhere online but I did find the Happy Company Therapeutic Massager on Amazon. It looks pretty similar. Plus, if you're bored you can scroll through all the recommended products below and wonder what exactly a DaVinci tool is.


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Oh my gosh, I got all tingly just thinking about that head massager. Will you play with my hair?

That is the coolest thing I have ever seen.

Powell's is my Graceland. Also: I can vouch for how awesome that head massager is. LOVE it.

Although that type of head massager is amazing, I can't vouch for Amazon's... I have that exact one, and the nubs at the end of the spokes have little pokey metal bits that get caught on my hair and scratch in an ouchy way.

About 5 years ago, I was holiday shopping in the mall. I needed to check something in a store on the complete opposite end from where my friends were, so I was rushing back to meet them (after finding out the store didn't have what I wanted). I barely seem to notice this voice that sounded like Natasha, as in Boris & Natasha from the Bullwinkle cartoons say, "Would you like the feel the most sensational thing of your life?" and without realizing she was speaking to me, I was assaulted with one of those head massagers (only the tops of them were a little wooden octopus head, and they marketed them as being octopus head massagers, due to the "tenticles"). I felt amazing and tingly and very dirty and violated all at the same time. This has reminded me of that moment.

(Also, I totally bought two of them, but not from her kiosk due to the utter creepiness of the whole thing. Instead, I found them at another kiosk at another mall nearby.)

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