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Black Friday

I've never gone to the sales. My memory tells me this is because they were generally of the electronics variety, the variety of which I've never been able to afford, or it's bad timing (all my computer have been bought in the first six months of a year), or I find a sale on Amazon regardless of the date. Mostly though, I don't care about widescreen HDs or Blu-ray players. I just bought my first iPod this year.

Someone I don't know very well asked me the other day if I'd be participating in Black Friday. In addition to be in the mountains where chain stores don't really exist, I also told him that I don't really shop at chain stores. This is only partially true as my ability to spend like crazy at Target is undeniable, and my Gap/Old Navy wardrobe is well documented, plus also I'm a total Apple junkie, but aside from those I do try to shop ethically by shopping online, local, or the online equivalent of local. I'm a wannabe, standard.

But this wannabe is almost done with Christmas shopping with 90 percent of the gifts bought ethically (although I think some of the stuff I got at Powell's wasn't made absolutely ethically, sigh) and without even Black Friday-ing online!

Shopping ethically for others hasn't stopped me from shopping for myself and so my amazon.com cart is full of things-I-don't-really-need-but-got- really-good-deals-on for myself and if there is one thing that trying to shop ethically has taught me it's that I DON'T NEED MORE STUFF.

Now it's in writing. Maybe I'll have better will power and won't click check out. (Side note to the President, Congress, and President-elect: if you give me a stimulus check I promise to check out. Okay?)

Friday Question Day: What deals are you getting?


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I told myself I'm not allowed to by myself anything until after Christmas. So far it's working because I don't really have any money. All bets are off, though, if we go to the Threadless store in Chicago.

I'm not shopping, either, but I'm a last-minute Christmas shopper by nature-- I will probably start about two weeks before. I'm SO impressed that you're almost done. You're a rock star. An ETHICAL rock star, which sounds like an oxymoron, actually.

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