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all the lights are coming on now

All my laundry is done, my packing list is mostly complete, my suitcase is out, my toiletries and cords are all in one place, and my TripIt itinerary is almost full. I leave Thursday to meet up with my Collective BFFs in Chicago. (And also to see my goon brother and his studio apartment the size of my hand.)

By my calculations, this will be my twelfth flight this year (JetBlue - 8, Southwest - 2, United - 1, Alaska - 1) and I guess I'm finally getting the hang of it. I mean, it's still over 36 hours away! And I'm nearly ready!

I've come so far in just one year. (Hey look! In that old post I admitted to making a mistake! That hardly ever happens!) (Also, it's good to know that despite being able to recall that mistake in vivid detail, I have moved on and don't possess the crippling guilt I did then. Growth is good!)

There are three things still unsettled:

1) I'm trying to change my flight without it costing me three times as much as the original flight. Please cross your fingers and toes that JetBlue helps me out with this.

2) I still don't have the address for our apartment in the city. I'm 90 percent sure this place is legit, I just wish they would email me back about the address. I mean, they already have a signed contract and credit card... so what is the deal?

3) It is really cold in Chicago. I realize that I grew up there and shouldn't be FULLY PANICKED, but people change. I am going to freeze to death.


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» JetBlue ROCKS! from Abigail M. Schilling
[Part 1, Part 2] First, a short summary of the complicated situation: I wanted to change my flight. It would cost me $100 change fee plus the rate change. So if a ticket increased $100 from what I'd paid, it... [Read More]


i can't wait to see you!!!!!

Freeze? Yeah. You will.

Answer: LONG COAT. Scarf and hat.
oh, and mittens!

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