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JetBlue ROCKS!

[Part 1, Part 2]

First, a short summary of the complicated situation:
I wanted to change my flight. It would cost me $100 change fee plus the rate change. So if a ticket increased $100 from what I'd paid, it would come out to $200 total in change charges. Since that is a lot of money, I wanted to know if I could pay for the new flight with a TruePass--a free flight earned with miles--thereby only having to pay the $100 change fee. So I sent them an email. They replied to the email and informed me that I couldn't use my TruePass for the flight I wanted. That was fine, I was expecting that on such short notice, but when I went to pay the $200 in fees, the rate had gone up once again.

I called them to see if I could get the rate I had seen the first time. This sent me into a corporate spiral of people thanking me for the opportunity to reiterate the policy without acknowledging my particular situation at all. This is what made me mad. This and the part where the policy appeared dishonest. I did get a response on that (noted in yesterday's comments) explaining that it actually wasn't dishonest. Just complicated.

So, I was boo hooing about how I couldn't get an answer about my problem.

Last night, after I had landed at ORD and was making my way to the L station, I got a call from Terri at JetBlue. She wanted to help me. She WANTED to HELP me! Best day ever!

The first thing she did, was start to go through every single reservation to see on what day and for what rates they were sold at to try to find the rate I was asking for. This took her a while which is maybe why everyone else acted like it was impossible. The weird thing is, they could not find the rate I had seen. I'm not sure how this happened and they definitely didn't blame me, but that part was weird. If they had been able to change it, they would have.

What they did do, was waive the change fee. I was so grateful and so thankful and so glad that they fixed my broken heart. Now I can return to recommending them to everyone I know. LOVE.

When we landed, we were informed that we should probably put our coats on before getting off the plane. "It's about 5 degrees on the jetway," we were told. Eff to that, Chicago. I got off the plane and then pulled into a gate waiting area. Since luggage always takes forever (at both Long Beach and LAX alike), I like to wait in the terminal. Where I can sit and read the internets. (And I needed to read the internets because the internet had been out at Long Beach and it had been like 6 hours.)

So I checked my emails and then headed to baggage claim. Before I got there I got a phone call. It was the JetBlue crew member at baggage claim. "I've got your bag here, but no you!" I let him know I was on my way. When I got there, there was no luggage left but mine. Not only are they wicked fast, but they call when you're not there! LOVE!


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This sort of rigmarole, for which my fragile temperament does not suffice, is precisely why, whenever I have to go across the country, I always just walk.

Congratulations on your good fortune. You deserve it.

Hello, Abigail.

Woo hoo!!! I am happy it worked out for you.

JetBlue rocks indeed.

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