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Today is not a good day.

My trip was wonderful and we'll be writing about it all week at The Collective. That's good, too, because right now I just feel like complaining. This happens to me a lot after trips. For several different reasons: trip high, stuff I didn't do because I was gearing up for a trip and now I have to do, and loss of money.

But I have more concrete reasons too. Reasons like this:

I don't have my luggage. I couldn't find it at the carousel so I went and asked. They did some research and told me they didn't have, and needed to wait and see where it turned. Probably New York, I was told, and then it would come back here and then they would call me and I would tell them where to bring it. That's not a big deal. I'm home so I've got all my stuff here, and it meant I didn't have to keep my promise to myself that I would unpack as soon as I got home. And they gave me a $30 voucher for my troubles. I was breezy.

They called me an hour and a half after I got home. My luggage was there. According to them, it was there all night and I hadn't seen it. Because of that, they won't deliver it: I have to go back to the airport to get it. This frustrates me because I was under the impression that the computer told them it hadn't arrived. If there was a chance it did, I would have scoured the entire airport and asked every crew member I saw before leaving without it.That makes me feel deflated.

Still, driving back to the airport wouldn't be that awful except I don't have the time. See I need to leave work early today to drive to a far away hospital where my mom is having a routine but anesthetized procedure and she can't drive or feed the dog after. According to Google Maps, it will take me 1 hour, 3 minutes to get there... or 2 hours, 40 minutes in traffic. I'm supposed to arrive there at 5:30 pm. Dwell on that.

Work is going to kick my ass today too. There's a huge project brewing, plus I took two days off last week. In my dream last night my boss gave me a new Blackberry Storm as a surprise. Since that won't actually happen (ever, seriously, have you heard? Recession!) that just makes work all the more depressing. Wah waaaah.


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That is a lot to complain about and you are totally justified.

Ugh, I'm sorry. It doesn't seem like there's really a good reason why they shouldn't deliver your bag Bah.

I bet they have it tied up somewhere like Heather Anne's backpack.

That's kind of super douchey of the airport to make you go back when they are the ones that said it was not there.

I swear, some people....grrr.

It really seems like they should bring it to you since they told you it wasn't there. How lame!

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