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November 10: Week in Pictures

Want to see the largest and weirdest looking dog in all the land?
Want to see the largest and weirdest looking dog in all the land?
He won lots of prizes at a dog show.

Hello! My nose is as long as your arm!
Hello! My nose is as long as your arm!

He's as tall as the door knob.
He's as tall as the door knob.

Yes, I am posting this picture because I have the same plant as Dooce!
Yes, I am posting this picture because I have the same plant as Dooce!

oh, abigail, you're so artsy
oh, abigail, you're so artsy

really, really good (and spicy squash soup)
really, really good (and spicy squash soup)
We had lunch at EcoCafe in San Diego on Sunday. One of my friends has an Inability to Taste. He calls it "high standards." I call it "high maintenance." Anyway, every single food I like he calls "bland." Including this super spicy soup.

this is a blurry picture of my third free drink.
this is a blurry picture of my third free drink.
this explains better.


Whittier Sign Project: Whittier Flowers
Whittier Sign Project: Whittier Flowers

these hands are small (i know)
(but not really.)


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Yeah, that's not a dog.

It's not a cat!

Whose dog is it?

And I bet it's not the brightest dog either (brain squished between narrow cavity).

Of course, now that I think of it, I've got a dog with a fat head and she's pretty dumb.

Pooooor Maddie. Dog was a dog that one of Carolyn's sister was showing. I really can't explain it any better than that.

Right, if I were you I'd sell that dog to Gunther while the getting's good.

It looks like a hand.

Maddie's sick :( - UTI (Vet Sal dx'd with the help of my friend, Google).

Giving her the penicillin we have on hand

but I'm hopeful because she eats all her dog food PLUS keeps eating whenever there's food. (I've been serving her antibiotics in Starbucks cake) :)

I gave her a tylenol PM for any associated pain. (Whenever I take one of those suckers it knocks me out for 6 hours). Not this dog. Still crusin' around.


Ya know, it might really wreck the dog, but if you had a carpeted room, you could host a drinking rodeo game and challenge one another to taking the dog down and tying up three legs! (It's a timed game and the clock stops when you've tied the legs and stand up with your arm up!)

I totally saw them do this at the rodeo in Redding. To cows, though, not dogs.

I think that dog might give me nightmares.

i know, seriously.

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