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November 21

Why are there no good Thanksgiving songs? How am I supposed to title a post about Thanksgiving without appropriate lyrics?!

Thanksgiving is my new favorite holiday because I'm spending it with some cool people. I attempted to interview Heather Anne about it. We're easily distractable.

Abigail: Heather, what are you looking forward to most this Thanksgiving?
Heather: Abigail, why are we using capital letters and calling each other by our whole names?
Abigail: I'm glad you asked. Because we so lazy that we are interviewing each other for blog material. Now answer my damn question.
Heather: I am looking forward to -- dude, I am watching The Bachelor (after the rose), and this guy is a douche, but Amy still wants to marry him.
Abigail: Why is he a douche?
Heather: The interviewer asks him: "don't you feel like a jerk?" Ha!
Abigail: that interviewer is trying to steal my job
Heather:Okay, I have an interview question: What word do you consistently misspell?
Abigail: rediculous. restaurant.
Heather: I knew that!
Heather: Can we start over?
Abigail: Hey Heather, what are you looking forward to most this Thanksgiving?
Heather: Thank you for asking, Abigail! I am most looking forward to my trip to Washington DC, where I will spend several! days! with Kat! and Jennie! and you! (No sea monkeys this time, kid.) And you? What are you most looking forward to?
Abigail: I too am looking forward to the most awesome trip ever to my favorite place, Washington DC, with my favorite people. I'm also looking forward to eating Kat's food since I've been drooling over it in photos for years. And I'm excited to see how short Jennie is. And you've talked up the sea monkeys so much that I feel compelled to make you buy them again.
Heather: This girl from the Bachelor is piiiised. Is Jennie really short?
Abigail: Yes, according to her.
Heather: Huh. Didn't know that. She seems taller on her blog. (Maybe it's because I assume all funny people are tall?)
Abigail: Why must you make me try to think of short, funny people so late at night? Also, Dane Cook is tall. Put that in your pipe.
Heather: I hate Dane Cook. Why would you do that?
Abigail: I'm just trying to get you to open your mind a little to the possibility of Dane Cook. (NOT another sea monkey fiasco.)
Heather: This Bachelor woman's problem is that she feels like there is one person for everyone. Soul Mates. People are "supposed" to be together. Let it go, Deanna. Have a cookie and let it go.


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I have found my hero, and she is you.

I am rubber and you are glue.

How do you get it to time/date stamp the next day already? IT's not even the 21st here yet and you've already got it posted and your part of the world hasn't turned that far past the sun yet.

It posts when I tell it to post. I am master over time.

For the record, I am 5'2 (and three quarters). Also, I think Jon Stewart is the funniest person in the whole world and he's practically a midget.

Dude, Heather B met him last weekend!

OMG! You are? Can you use some of that magic in other parts of MY life too?

I'll see what I can do.

And I'm excited to see how short Jennie is.

this made me LOL for serious.

and for the record, i think jennie's only like 1/2 an inch shorter than me.

Yeah, but I believe you're short. She just talks it up so much. I mean, I live with someone you guys' height. But with Jennie, it feels like I'm going to see the Bearded Lady or something.

Also, good things come in small packages. That's what I tell myself when I can't reach something on the high shelves.

Good call. I will help you reach the shelves.

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