« November 21 | Main | Things they don't tell you on the internet »

November 22

Wednesday was one of those days where I felt like a genie was always following me granting my unvoiced wishes. Stuff like, "I wish they would play The Office on the airplane," and "I wish there aren't lots of people on the airplane," and "I wish I could be in DC today," was all answered promptly and awesomely. There was even a little incident involving the wish, "I wish there was a tire repair place right here!" but more on that later.

But I arrived safely in DC and I love this city as much as I remember. I mean, we were crossing the Potomac (the cabbie and I) and my heart went pitter patter. Pitter patter pitter patter pitter patter. We drove past the bar where I met Kat last year and past the Washington Monument and past her apartment building. Then I yelled, "oh that was it!" and we reversed back up the road (despite the obvious presence of a cop) and pulled into the drive and Kat came out and the internet exploded.

THEN I met Winston and my heart exploded.


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awww -- warms my heart.

Yay! I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!

If you could make a video of you talking to the cat in the Brian Fellow voice, I think my heart would actually explode.

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