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Procrastination Station

Sigh. You guys, I am so bad with time management. It's because I always get everything done. I just like pushing up against that deadline, testing the seconds, seeing just how long I can go. This post for instance? I read about three quarters of the internet avoiding writing it.

Whenever I have to do business of the paid variety with East Coasties, I wait until 1:40 to make the phone call, and then if the person doesn't pick up I get all pissed about them leaving work early. As though it's their fault that I didn't try calling during any of the previous hours of their day.

So, there's that right now. I'm staring down the barrel of several big deadlines and since I have a problem, I'm a little frazzled. Also, I have Maddie again which means I'd much rather stare into her eyes forever than do anything else.

I don't have much else to say right now. I will, very soon, but at this moment I'm still plotting and procrastinating. Standard.

(People are still talking about the election. I hope it ends soon.)


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I don't blame you for wanting to hang out with Maddie more than you want to do anything else. She's adorable.

She loves hanging out way more than doing anything productive. We're a good match.

It's funny how everyone is saying the exact same things about the election. I mean, it's awesome, but I want to get back to reading about people's dumb lives.

I know, right? That's exactly what I mean.

I can't post anything about my dumb life right now. Going to PORTLAND tomorrow (YAY!) which means I have to read 3/4 of the internet tonight before getting way too little sleep and packing at the last minute.

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